This repository is the implementation of "Systematic Analysis of Music Representations from BERT".
- Python 3.8.8
- Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
- Read requirements.txt for other Python libraries is to obtain the bar-level REMI+ representations from LMD. It supports the parallel processing by specifying the number of processes to --num_process argument.
python --src_path "./data/lmd_full/" --dest_path "./data/lmd_full_remi/" --num_process 100
You should modify config.json for mode change ("BERT", "BERT-aug", "BERT-neighbor", "BERT-dropout"). By setting "strategy" (ex. ddp) in and "gpus" in config.json (ex. [0, 1, 2]), you can train the models with distributed GPU settings of pytorch-lightining. Here is an example of BERT-neighbor configurations.
"random_seed": 0,
"batch_size": 24,
"num_workers": 16,
"dim": 768,
"depth": 12,
"heads": 12,
"max_len": 512,
"rate": 0,
"masking": 0.8,
"replace": 0.1,
"loss_weights": [1, 0.1],
"lr": 1e-4,
"epochs": 3,
"warm_up": 10000,
"temp": 0.1,
"gpus": [0],
"mode": "BERT-neighbor"
For training the BERT-variants models, the command is as below;
You can obtain seven evaluation metrics (chords, groove patterns, instruments, tempo, mean velocity, mean duration, song clustering) from test.ipynb.
I have learned a lot and reused available codes from dvruette FIGARO, lucidrains vit-pytorch, and sthalles SimCLR. Also, I have applied gautierdag noam scheduler for learning warm-up, and positional encodings from dreamgonfly transformer-pytorch.
Sangjun Han, Hyeongrae Ihm, Woohyung Lim (LG AI Research), "Systematic Analysis of Music Representations from BERT"