Django framework for connecting directly to the pico-uart-hub for control and monitoring. Later I will add an option to interface with the SignalK API which should be used instead of direct connection if SignalK is in use. I need to writeh the SignalK plugin first though.
This is a dev setup only, relying on the Django dev web server and with no thought to security or anything beyond proving it can work as yet.
Install steps: Create a secret_key.txt file in the same directory as and populate the secret key I didn't want to commit to github (I'm not yet sure how to regenerate that, I copied the one in my created on the project creation)
Adjust the allowed hosts config in to your dev server IP, run with runserver 0:8000 to make it accessible outside localhost
run "python migrate" to configuure the sqlite DB
Adjust com port definition in to match your host config
Configure the admin console with a superuser: python createsuperuser
Browse to http://w.x.y.z:8000/admin/ to configure some lights and groups As yet the group config needs to match that hardcoded in the pico-lights code Light numbers should match the lights 0-15 available on the lights-pico module
Browse to http://w.x.y.z:8000/lights/ to run the web interface.