Libft Project - Rewrite some of the standard c libraries
C programming can be very tedious when one doesn’t have access to those highly useful standard functions. This project makes you to take the time to re-write those functions, understand them, and learn to use them. This library will help you for all your future C projects. Through this project, we also give you the opportunity to expand the list of functions with your own. Take the time to expand your libft throughout the year.
After cloning the repository, run the Makefile.
This will output a file titled libft.a
Create a main and include libft.h
Create any C file you wish and call the function you desire using ft_ prefix to the standard function you would call in C. There are additional functions that exist which are not included in the standard C Library. To find these functions and there uses. Check 'libft.h', this will operate similar to the man.
When compiling a file include libft.a into your compile statement e.g gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra main.c libft.a
This library is fast and very comprehensive.