Hi! I'm Jonathan Lafleur and I decided that I would share little gems that I create for my clients that help me develop project for them.
You'll find in this repo my actual boilerplate that I use to develop WordPress plugins & themes. It use docker-compose to manage wordpress + mysql + adminer & mailhog.
docker-compose up
- WordPress: http://localhost:8080
- Adminer: http://localhost:9090
- Mailhog: http://localhost:8025
All the configuration reside in docker-compose.yml all you need to configure if needed is the environment variables
* Please not that they must match in order to work. If you change MYSQL_* you need to update WORDPRESS_DB_* accordingly.
If you want to change the port you can also do it through docker-compose.yml but you'll have to also update the code in mu-plugins/mailhog.php
to match the mailhog smtp port.