Markyt is a Web-based multi-purpose annotation tool. With this annotation tool you can annotate from simple documents (without any formatting) to HTML documents. Documents can have embedded: images, diagrams, videos, etc. With all power of HTML.
This annotation tool implements the annotation project life cycle and is able to manage interactive and multi-user projects. Novelty lays on the annotation quality assessment tool and the annotation tracking system, which support systematic and on-demand annotation amendment agreement analysis.
- obtaining different annotation statistics, like the annotation agreement between annotators for a document, and more.
- print and export the annotated text.
- ask questions about the different types of annotation.
- import your Word documents or the like to annotate them. Thanks to technology CKEditor.
- CakePHP framework
- Rangy Library
- jQuery Amchart Plugin
- And another open source libraries as CKEditor, Jquery, bootstrap...
- Chrome (Recommended)
- Firefox (Recommended)
- IE9+
- Opera
- Safari
In order to install Markyt you need to install:
- Apache
- PHP 5.6
- Java 8
- Mysql 5.6
-Donwload Markyt -The folder Markyt should be placed in the directory of apache /www. -Add permissions readable, writable and executable to Markyt folder. -Edit app/Config/core.php and change Security.salt and Security.cipherSeed. Alter the code according to your preferences. -Edit app/Config/database.php and set the user account to be used in accessing the database. For example, a MySQL account with user "server" and the password "server" would look like:
public $default = array (
'datasource' => 'Database / Mysql',
'persistent' => false,
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'server',
'password' => 'server',
'database' => 'marky',
'prefix' =>'' );
-You need to modify the file .htcacess in Markyt directory as follows:
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All # HERE PUT None, change to All
Order allow, deny # allow from all
-Then run the script marky.sql. Finally, you have to access the Markyt's web and create the first administration account. In case of error, you can consult the official cakePHP website