一个类 doom doc 的 org html 样式模版 点此预览🪄
配置 snippet 模版,然后在 org mode 文件中使用 tt
1 #+HTML_HEAD: <script src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
2 #+HTML_HEAD: <script src = "https://emacs-1308440781.cos.ap-chengdu.myqcloud.com/scroll.js"></script>
3 #+HTML_HEAD: <link href = "https://emacs-1308440781.cos.ap-chengdu.myqcloud.com/base.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link>
4 #+OPTIONS: prop:nil timestamp:t \n:t ^:nil f:t toc:t author:t num:t H:2
5 #+LATEX_COMPILER: xelatex
6 #+LATEX_CLASS: elegantpaper
7 #+latex:\newpage
#+HTML_HEAD: <link href="https://emacs-1308440781.cos.ap-chengdu.myqcloud.com/org_css.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>
#+HTML_HEAD: <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
#+HTML_HEAD: <script src="https://emacs-1308440781.cos.ap-chengdu.myqcloud.com/scroll.js"></script>
粗体 | bold |
斜体 | italic |
下划线 | underlined |
中横线 | |
代码,按键 | code |
TECO - Tape [later text] Editor/COrrector
A combination text editor/really horrible ProgrammingLanguage. To quote the paper “RealProgrammers don’t use Pascal” (1983):
Please do not file or answer Doom Emacs issues on Reddit, Twitter, or StackOverflow. Kindly refer them to this section.
这是 1 个例子
According to the documentation Internal-Links we know there have two ways to sign a particular tag.
Example of an comment.
原文:用友 bip 产品功能说明 ,在说明文档
大数据中 最宝贵 、最难以代替的就是数据,一切都围绕数据。
HDFS 是最早的大数据存储系统,存储着宝贵的数据资产,各种新算法、框架要想得到广泛使用,必须支持 HDFS,才能获取已存储在里面的数据。所以大数据技术越发展,新技术越多,HDFS 得到的支持越多,越离不开 HDFS。HDFS 也许不是最好的大数据存储技术,但依然是最重要的大数据存储技术。
HDFS 是如何实现大数据高速、可靠的存储和访问的呢?
- Hadoop 分布式文件系统 HDFS 的设计目标是管理数以千计的服务器、数以万计的磁盘,将大规模的服务器计算资源当作一个单一存储系统进行管理,对应用程序提供数以 PB 计的存储容量,让应用程序像使用普通文件系统一样存储大规模的文件数据。
C-c ~
to convert to tabel.el table
C-c ~
to convert to org table
org table M-h
for move Columns left and right
org table M-k
for move Rows up and down
# table.el for merge Columns or Rows
N | N^2 | N^3 | N^4 | sqrt(n) | sqrt[4](N) |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 1.4142136 | 1.1892071 |
3 | 9 | 27 | 81 | 1.7320508 | 1.3160740 |
Student | Prob 1 | Prob 2 | Prob 3 | Total | Note |
Maximum | 10 | 15 | 25 | 50 | 10.0 |
Peter | 10 | 8 | 23 | 41 | 8.2 |
Sam | 2 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 1.8 |
Average | 25.0 |
Format | Fine-grained-control | Initial Effort | Syntax simplicity | Editor Support | Integrations | Ease-of-referencing | Versatility |
Word | Word^2 | Word^3 | Word^4 | sqrt(Word) | sqrt(sqrt(Word)) | 2 | 2 |
LaTeX | LaTeX^2 | LaTeX^3 | LaTeX^4 | sqrt(LaTeX) | sqrt(sqrt(LaTeX)) | 4 | 3 |
Org Mode | Org^2 Mode^2 | Org^3 Mode^3 | Org^4 Mode^4 | sqrt(Org Mode) | sqrt(sqrt(Org Mode)) | 4 | 4 |
Markdown | Markdown^2 | Markdown^3 | Markdown^4 | sqrt(Markdown) | sqrt(sqrt(Markdown)) | 3 | 1 |
Markdown + Pandoc | (Markdown + Pandoc)^2 | (Markdown + Pandoc)^3 | (Markdown + Pandoc)^4 | sqrt(Markdown + Pandoc) | sqrt(sqrt(Markdown + Pandoc)) | 3 | 2 |
aardvark | 555-5553 | 1200/300 | B |
alpo-net | 555-3412 | 2400/1200/300 | A |
barfly | 555-7685 | 1200/300 | A |
bites | 555-1675 | 2400/1200/300 | A |
camelot | 555-0542 | 300 | C |
core | 555-2912 | 1200/300 | C |
fooey | 555-1234 | 2400/1200/300 | B |
foot | 555-6699 | 1200/300 | B |
macfoo | 555-6480 | 1200/300 | A |
sdace | 555-3430 | 2400/1200/300 | A |
sabafoo | 555-2127 | 1200/300 | C |
/foo/ { print $0 }
fooey | 555-1234 | 2400/1200/300 | B |
foot | 555-6699 | 1200/300 | B |
macfoo | 555-6480 | 1200/300 | A |
sabafoo | 555-2127 | 1200/300 | C |
The target scope which at the left of equation , @ means row number and $ means column nubmer of increasing from one.
The expression which at the right of equation , @# stands for the row number of increasing from zero.
序号 | 字段名 | 名称 |
1 | age | 年龄 |
2 | bir | 出生年月日 |
#+tblfm: $1=@#-1
to execute it
$\mbox{需求的价格弹性系数} = \frac{\mbox{需求的变动率}}{\mbox{价格的变动率}}$
代码片段开启行号,修改 `~/.emacs.d/.local/straight/repos/org/lisp/ox-html.el`
10 (let* ((code-lines (split-string code "\n"))
11 (code-length (length code-lines))
12 (num-fmt
13 (and num-start
14 (format "%%%ds "
15 (format "%(add-hook 'code-review-mode-hook
16 (lambda ()
17 ;; include *Code-Review* buffer into current workspace
18 (persp-add-buffer (current-buffer))))%%ds: "
* @param request 调用的请求参数
* @param needLog true 需要记录日志 false 不记录日志
* @return
protected NcApiResponse runApply(NcApiRequest request, Boolean needLog) {
NcApiResponse ncApiResponse = null;
try {
final NcApiRequest ncApiRequest = executeBefore(request);
ncApiResponse = executeGetRequest(ncApiRequest);
} catch (Exception e) {
afterExecute(needLog, e, request, ncApiResponse);
if (e instanceof BizException) {
throw new BizException("NC 提示", ((BizException) e).getErrorMsg(), e);
} else {
throw new BizException("NC 异常", e.getMessage());
return ncApiResponse;
List<Integer> a = Arrays.asList(1, 2);
return a;
to execute it, but export to html will fail when the babel java result generated.
digraph G {
node [shape="box",fontcolor="#4EAEEF"]
edge [color="#a69fe0" fontcolor=white]
rankdir = TD
subgraph clusterD {
label = "Local";
SlaughterServerB -> LocalDBB [splines=ortho]
SlaughterServerB -> SlaughterClientB [minlen=1]
{rank=same; SlaughterServerB , LocalDBB }
subgraph clusterM {
node [shape="box",fontcolor="#c475db"]
label = "Local";
SlaughterServerA -> LocalDBA [splines=ortho ]
SlaughterServerA -> SlaughterClientA [minlen=1]
{rank=same; SlaughterServerA , LocalDBA }
EBS -> SlaughterServerA [dir=both minlen=2 label="ϟ" lhead="clusterM"][constraint=true];
EBS -> SlaughterServerB [dir=both,minlen=2,label="ϟ" lhead="clusterD" color="#a69fe0:#c475db"]
plantuml 替换原生样式
!includeurl C4-PlantUML/juststyle.puml
plantuml 替换原生样式
!includeurl C4-PlantUML/juststyle.puml
use org-plot/gnuplot
for generate.
月份 | 旷工次数 | 漏签次数 | 早退次数 | 迟到次数 |
01 | 9598 | 7319 | 44 | 673 |
02 | 13788 | 8963 | 65 | 719 |
03 | 15024 | 8837 | 60 | 1005 |
04 | 11977 | 10662 | 92 | 807 |
05 | 10942 | 6005 | 191 | 575 |
06 | 9958 | 5943 | 142 | 530 |
07 | 5443 | 902 | 24 | 89 |
Sede | Max cites | H-xndex1 | H-index |
Chile | 257.72 | 21.3 | 81.39 |
Leeds | 165.77 | 19.6 | 19.68 |
Sao Paolo | 71.00 | 41.5 | 81.50 |
Stockholm | 134.19 | 12.3 | 94.33 |
Morelia | 257.56 | 19.6 | 97.67 |
direction: right
style.fill : transparent
platform : BPM
platform -> RocketMq: invoke {
style.animated: true
platform -> API: interface/http/https {
style.animated: true
platform -> DataBase: DB_Link {style.animated: true}
RocketMq: {
shape: image
icon: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/89/Apache_RocketMQ_logo.svg/130px-Apache_RocketMQ_logo.svg.png?20210417072453
width: 10
style: {
stroke: green
font-color: green
fill: white
DataBase: {
shape: image
icon: https://cdn.icon-icons.com/icons2/1508/PNG/512/mysqlworkbench_103806.png
width: 20
API.style.multiple: true
RocketMq -> System : belong{
style.animated: true
style.stroke: "#53C0D8"
API -> System : belong{
style.animated: true
style.stroke: "#53C0D8"
DataBase -> System : belong{
style.animated: true
style.stroke: "#53C0D8"
direction: right
style.fill : transparent
"禅道需求": "需求-PRD"{
shape: image
icon: https://pp.myapp.com/ma_icon/0/icon_54212284_1655281546/256
width: 60
height: 60
产品经理: "产品" {
shape: person
width: 52
height: 54
style.fill: "#85929E"
style.stroke: "#01020d"
style.stroke-width: 1
产品经理 -> 禅道需求 : 创建 {
#style.animated: true
style.stroke-width: 3
style.stroke: "#F4D03F"
禅道需求 -> development : 负责人分配 {
#style.animated: true
style.stroke-width: 3
style.stroke: "#F4D03F"
development: "研发" {
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style.fill: "gray"
style.stroke-width: 1
development -> 概要设计 : output {
#style.animated: true
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icon: https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/1324/1324843.png
shape: image
height: 124
height: 124
概要设计 -> 方案评审
# development -> 方案评审 : Meeting {
# #style.animated: true
# # style.stroke-width: 3
# style.stroke: "#F4D03F"
# }
排期表 : "排期表"{
icon: https://icons.terrastruct.com/essentials/092-graph%20bar.svg
shape: image
方案评审 -> 排期表 : output{
研发迭代 <- 排期表 : development {
#style.animated: true
style.stroke-width: 3
测试: "测试" {
shape: person
width: 52
height: 54
style.fill: "#EB984E"
style.stroke: "#01020d"
style.stroke-width: 1
测试 <- 研发迭代 : 提测{
style.stroke-width: 3
dev : "dev 环境"{
shape: cloud
style.fill: "#58D68D"
style.stroke: "#2ECC71"
style.font-color: "white"
研发迭代 : "研发迭代" {
style.3d: true
研发迭代 -> dev : 自测
禅道缺陷 : "BUG"{
shape: image
icon: https://pp.myapp.com/ma_icon/0/icon_54212284_1655281546/256
width: 60
height: 60
测试 -> 禅道缺陷 : 提交bug {
style.animated: true
style.stroke-width: 3
style.stroke: "red"
禅道缺陷 -> development : 分配 {
style.animated: true
style.stroke-width: 3
development -> 测试 : 解决bug{
style.animated: true
style.stroke-width: 3
pandoc -o ~/Desktop/out.docx ~/.doom.d/README.org
C-c . |
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Use unicode character could express of what you think more directly,cause an image symbol alway make the understanding more clearly.
Here are some unicode website of listing those character,✌