Running the EC agent artifact within a docker image is not recommended due the dependancy of the underlying linux cgroup with docker.
The cgroup lives in the docker core which by design requires a sudoer permission from the guest system. Docker users who wish to level up the security by running a non-sudoer user inside the container should avoid the volume-sharing on the guest host.
Because of this, it is highly recommended to running this image as a rootless/unpriviliged container. Please refer to runc and linux cgroup man man cgroups
for further study.
The open-source projects adoption flow-
cgroup >> runc + nsenter >> moby >> docker
The root permission per se defeats the purpose of EC rootless-connectivity model and ultimately create several security leaks on the guest host. However, it is worth to note that running a standalone agent does NOT require a sudoer/root permission. Please refer to the agent source code repo for the standalone deployment. Users with restrict security environemnt one such as AWS GovCloud should consider using a self-build image based on the spec examples in this repo.
The EC Agent OCI image is currently maintained on public docker hub; the usage spec avaialble in several compute environments. Visit the EC usage examples or the wiki if new to EC.
OCI (Open Container Initiative) is a contionue trademark of the Open Container Initiative Community and currently governed by the community charters
docker pull enterpriseconnect/build:v1beta
refers to the image to build agent#212+
-relate releases.v1beta
refers to the image to build agent#1724+
-relate releases.v1.1beta
refers to the image to build agent#2721+
-relate releases.
docker pull enterpriseconnect/agent:v1beta
refers to agent#212
include agent#1724
candidate release.<tag>-build
include the series of tool to build out an agent release.
In this container spec example, the pre-defined agent image is launched by using docker. The agent flags in this example are converted into several environment variables that are required based on the <path/to/this/repo>/spec/<agent-mode>.yml
for a EC usage. For instance, to launch a client-mode agent container, it is required to ingest env vars EC_AID, EC_TID, EC_HST, etc.
The env variables specified in --env-file
will need to be replaced by a series of relevant flags as it is shown in the example yaml file.
docker run --env-file client.list \
For the usage of docker flag -e
, please refer to this example
When deploy the agent in a k8s instance, the necessary environment variables as specified in the example /path/to/the/repo/k8s/agent-<object>.yml
. k8s users may utilise any custom objects such as a configmap plugin to help in its configuration.