Simple Riak-Graphite integration
This project allows you to quickly setup your Riak to send UDP stats to a carbon/graphite server, or service like HostedGraphite.
Usage: ./ domain_home graphite_prefix graphite_server
- Domain_home should be where your Riak node lives. i.e. domain_home/etc/vm.args
- For hosted graphite, put your API key as the graphite_prefix, otherwise put what ever you like, for example what you call your riak cluster
- For hosted graphite the graphite server should be
If the script completes successfully then you can start sending stats with the command bin/
To stop sending stats to graphite, use the command bin/
To automate the sending of stats whenever the Riak node is running add the command:
-s riak_graphite start ["mygraphiteprefix", ""]
to your vm.args