- rk3 or rk4 for time stepping
- possible to choose between 2nd, 4th, 6th or 8th order spatial discretization
- shared memory usage for fast derivation
- cuda dynamic parallelism to ensure correct memory access in x- y- and z- derivatives
- flux formulation to solve the conservative full split form of the advective terms
Text cases:
substitute the globals.h to the globals.h in the src folder before compilation to run these cases
Decaying Taylor-Green Vortices -> J.R. DeBonis, "Solutions of the Taylor-Green Vortex Problem Using High-Resolution Explicit Finite Difference Methods" AIAA 2013-0382 (Decaying Taylor Green vortices)
Supersonic Channel flow -> Coleman, G. N., Kim, J., and Moser, R. D., "A numerical study of turbulent supersonic isothermal-wall channel flow" J. Fluid Mech, Vol. 305, 1995, pp. 159-183.