This projects is tested only with Python 3.9.
The following python packages ar needed:
py-spidev (see
cherrypy (Web Server)
dominate (HTML Builder)
standard Python library packages (configparser, datetime, enum, logging, os, signal, sys, threading, time, types, unittest)
RPi.GPIO (or fake-rpigpio for testing purposes)
Create a sd card with the RASPBERRY PI OS (32-BIT). You can use PI Imager v1.4 (see Add an empty .ssh file in the root folder, this enabled ssh at the first start up. Create a wpa_supplicant.conf file with your Wi-Fi settings. Put this also in the root folder and this will connect the Raspberry Pi to your Wi-Fi if the Raspberry has a Wi-FI-Module (
After the first startup you need to do the updates and upgrades.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
git clone
# copy the conf folder to your desired location (/var/lib/chilwater/conf/ or /etc/chilwater/)
cp ffhs_chili_watering/conf /val/lib/chilwater
# install python3.9.1 dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential tk-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libreadline6-dev libdb5.3-dev libgdbm-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev libbz2-dev libexpat1-dev liblzma-dev zlib1g-dev libffi-dev
# compile takes a while
tar xf Python-3.9.0.tar.xz
cd Python-3.9.0
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/opt/python-3.9.0
# install
sudo make altinstall
# Make Python 3.9 the default version, make aliases
sudo update-alternatives --config python
# verify installation
python -V
# RPi.GPIO for production
sudo apt install RPi.GPIO
pip install RPi.GPIO
# RPi.GPIO for testing
# pip install fake-rpigpio
# py-spidev
cd py-spidev-master
# you have to install python-dev for this (apt install python-dev)
sudo apt install python-dev
sudo python install
pip install cherrypy
pip install dominate
For a Headless GUI connection, you can use the VNC-Connection. .enable VNC
sudo raspi-config
-> Interface Options
--> P3 VNC Enable
--> Yes, enable
--> ok, is enable
sudo raspi-config
-> Interface Options
--> P4 SPI Enable
--> Yes, enable
--> ok, is enable
sudo modprobe w1-gpio
sudo modprobe w1-therm
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
# insert at the end this line and save the file
-> dtoverlay=w1-gpio,gpiopin=4,pullup=on
# to activate the 1-wire bus at the startup use this
sudo nano /etc/modules
# add this tow lines to the file and save this, then restart the raspberry pi
-> w1_gpio
-> w1_therm
sudo reboot
1-Wire read sensor id
To use a 1-wire sensor, you need to know the id. All connected 1-wire sensors you will find in the raspberry. It will be the best that you connect opne sensor by one to read the sensor id. Please notice this id, you need this for the configuration of the sensors.
cd /sys/bus/w1/devices/
# now you see the id of the sensor
# for a test reading use
# cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/<your sensor id>/w1_slave
cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-3c01b556cc3d/w1_slave
You can define the base directory by changing the following line in the base configuration file:
# default configuration directory is /var/lib/chilwater/conf/ or /etc/chilwater/
BASECONFDIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "conf")
All other settings can be defined in the conf files
port = 9090
host =
authEnabled = False
authRealm = localhost
# baseWebDir = /var/www/html/cws
password = admin
In this config file, you can configure one or more sensors. You can also create more than one config gile (i.E. for each sensor one file). In the square brackets you can specify a description/name for the sensor.
[Example Sensor]
Nr = x
Type = y
Channel = z
The sensor number must be globally unique
The type can be on of the following numbers:
1 ⇒ temperature sensor
2 ⇒ humidity sensor
3 ⇒ light sensor
11 ⇒ test temperature sensor, the value is not measured but read from a conf file
12 ⇒ test humidity sensor, the value is not measured but read from a conf file
13 ⇒ test light sensor, the value is not measured but read from a conf file
The channel is the physical pin or path on which the sensor is attached. You can crate a file for each Sensor or create all sensors in the same file. The name of the file is up to you, it must only saved in the /conf/sensors folder and end with .conf.
# Humidity
[Sensor 1]
Nr = 1
Type = 2
Channel = 1
# Light
[Sensor 7]
Nr = 7
Type = 3
Channel = 7
# Temperature
[Sensor 8]
Nr = 8
Type = 1
Channel = /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-3c01b556cc3d/w1_slave
In the config file, you can configure one or more pumps. The name of the file is up to you, it must only saved in the /conf/pumps folder and end with .conf. You can also create more than one config gile (i.E. for each pump one file). In the square brackets you can specify a description/name for the pump.
[Example Pump]
Nr = x
GPIO = y
The pump number must be globally unique
The GPIO is the physcal pin on which the pump is attached
If you want to create a test pump, you can set GPIO to 0. A test pump does nothing but print a status update to the stdout.
In the config file, you can configure one controller and its rules. You must create a separate file for each controller. The name of the file is up to you, it must only saved in the /conf/controllers folder and end with .conf. The file must contain one default section and minimal one rule section.
Type = x
Nr = y
SensorNr = a
PumpNr = b
In the Default section you need to describe the controller Parameters.
The Typ of the controller:
4 ⇒ TIME
The controller number must be globally unique.
The sensor number must match to a Sensor that is configured at the sensor section.
The pump number must match to a Sensor that is configured at the pump section.
TimeFrom = 00:00:00
TimeTo = 01:59:00
Comparator = <
RightValue = 60
PumpSeconds = 2
In the rule you have a TimeFrom and TimeTo. In this time the rule is active.
You can choose a comparator that compares the values.
Possible comparator are "<", "⇐" "=", ">=", ">".
This comparator the values like "sensor_value comparator RightValue",
e.g. "sensor_value < 60"
In the time the rule is active, he will only run one time. If he pump water to the plant in the first minute, he didn’t like to pump water for the rest of the rule time.
As follows a concrete example of a controller config file.
Type = 2
Nr = 1
SensorNr = 1
PumpNr = 1
TimeFrom = 00:00:00
TimeTo = 01:59:00
Comparator = <
RightValue = 60
PumpSeconds = 2
TimeFrom = 02:00:00
TimeTo = 03:59:00
Comparator = <
RightValue = 60
PumpSeconds = 2