This repo contains a VSCode DevContainer that uses the Docker Container defined in zephyr_container.
When the DevContainer starts, it create a Zephyr Project with only the modules listed in the west file.
This repository can be used to learn Zephyr: the environment can be identically reproduced everywhere.
Some functions involve the use of Segger Jlink. All of them can be used with JLink EDU / JLink OB. In my case I use the SEGGER ST Reflash tool to convert the onboard ST-Link/v2 in JLink OB on the nucleo board I use.
- Install Docker Desktop and start it.
- Install VSCode and the Dev Containers Extension Pack.
- Clone the repository and open it with VSCode.
- Using Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) select "Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container" to start the container.
Create a Docker Container with all the tools to dev a Zephyr Project
Create a VSCode DevContainer that use the Docker Container and starts a Zephyr Project for an ST Nucleo board (used nucleo-f401re)
Create VSCode tasks to build MCUBoot bootloader and Application for slot-0 and slot-1
Create VSCode tasks to build Application with CodeChecker, Start a CodeChecker server and store the report in the server to view the potentially issues
Create a SEGGER Ozone project which view the build and src folders/files to debug the firmware using the Zephyr Plugin for Thread Awareness and STM32F401.svd file to debug peripherals registers
Use board overlay/binding to define some GPIO which will be used for debugging with a Logic Level Analyzer
Use board overlay to describe the attached DHT11 temperature/humidity sensor
Use board overlay to describe the attached WS2812B RGB strip led
Define a static thread which periodically fetch the DHT11 sensor (using sensor api)
Define a static thread which periodically update the strip-led (using led-strip api)
Use a Message Queue to do threaded actions from IRQ
Add Segger RTT to print debug messages on the Ozone RTT terminal ad/or use SEGGER SystemView
Add MCUBoot to manage the DFU using signed images and boot/slot-0/slot-1 partitioning method
Prepare CommandFiles to flash boot/slot-0/slot-1 images separately; used to test MCUBoot
Use the Settings subsystem to store in non volatile memory some key-value pairs
Use the Zephyr bus (zbus) subsystem to exchange data between threads: sensor thred produce data (publisher) which will be used by the strip-led thread (subscriber) and immediately toggle on-board led (listener)
Use the Core Dump subsystem to dump the application memory on fatal error (refer here for backtracing the dump )
Use the Retention System to guarantee some ram-stored info to be valid after reset
Use the Hardware Info System to get some info about the board e.g. reset cause
Use Task Watchdog subsystem to supervise the application
Use the Twister subsystem to write some unit tests and run them (try to develop in TDD way)
Use the State Machine Framework to define a simple state machine
Use user space / privileged mode to keep memory areas more safe
Use Trusted Firmware-M to manage the project life in a secure context
Change default partition slots to be used as custom static MCUBoot partition layout
Code a custom driver for a device (e.g. an i2c device)
Define a totally custom board and use it to test all the listed feature: should be done without refactoring the application code at all
Use the Zephyr shell to interact with the application