This is a template for NodeJs applications, it contains local login and google, facebook and github OAuth. All the users are being stored in a MongoDB.
make sure you have a MongoDB running on port 27017 and make sure to follow the instructions in Prerequisites.
Inside of the server folder: Install all the necessary node packages
npm install
start server
node app.js
Before everything works you need to set the enviroment variables definded in the /server/config/customenvironment-variables.json file.
to run the thests use
npm test
The tests do not include the thirdPartyOAuth yet. I'm looking on possibilites to implement them!
You can find a postman collection in the respository or online --> Collection
- Silvan Knecht - Initial work - Silvan Knecht
Since I was new to the authentication topic I could find most of the Information needed in this Tutorial CodeWorker