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Application for syncing people from one system to another. Configuration driven to support multiple destination systems.


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Personnel Sync

This application is intended to provide a fairly easy to use way of synchronizing people from a personnel system to some other system. In this application there are data sources and destinations. Since destinations have their own unique APIs and integration methods each destination is developed individually to implement the Destination interface. The runtime for this application is configured using a config.json file. An example is provided named config.example.json, however it only has the GoogleGroups destination in it so other supported destinations are documented below.


The default timeout for HTTP requests to REST APIs is 45 seconds. It is possible to override the default value via an environment variable named HTTP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, the value of which must be an integer between 1 and 600 inclusive.

Alternatively, you can override the default value and the environment variable value by adding an HttpTimeoutSeconds entry in the ExtraJSON entry of your Source/Destination config entry.


Email Alerts

Event Log events with a level of LOG_ALERT or LOG_EMERG will result in an email alert sent via AWS SES. Note that the LOG_EMERG level is 0, which is the Go zero-value. Any new event log created without a Level assigned will default to LOG_EMERG and could result in email alerts being sent.

The following is an example configuration:

  "Alert": {
    "AWSRegion": "us-east-1",
    "CharSet": "UTF-8",
    "ReturnToAddr": "[email protected]",
    "SubjectText": "personnel-sync alert",
    "RecipientEmails": [
      "[email protected]"
    "AWSAccessKeyID": "ABCD1234",
    "AWSSecretAccessKey": "abcd1234!@#$"

Alternatively, AWS credentials can be supplied by the Serverless framework by adding the following configuration to serverless.yml:

    - Effect: 'Allow'
        - 'ses:SendEmail'
      Resource: "*"

Both authentication mechanisms are provided in the lambda-example directory, but only one is needed.



The RestAPI adapter supports pagination as both a source and as a destination.


  • Scheme -- if specified, must be "pages" for page based or "items" for item based
  • FirstIndex -- index of first item/page to fetch, default is 1
  • NumberKey -- query string key for the item index or page number
  • PageLimit -- index of last page to request, default is 1000
  • PageSize -- number of records to return in a page, default is 100
  • PageSizeKey -- number of items per page, default is 100

Example config

Following is an example configuration for Pagination. Unrelated parameters have been omitted for simplicity.

  "Source": {
    "Type": "RestAPI",
    "ExtraJSON": {
      "Pagination": {
        "Scheme": "pages",
        "NumberKey": "page",
        "PageSizeKey": "page-size",
        "FirstIndex": "1",
        "PageLimit": "10000",
        "PageSize": "200"

Data Filter


Data retrieved from the API, be it the source or destination, can be filtered to remove unwanted data. This can be useful in case the API does not offer filter capability, or its filtering capability is insufficient.

List one or more filters in the ExtraJSON configuration. Each filter condition is added using "AND" conditional logic; each one further restricts the output data. If the value of an attribute configured in a filter is empty or null, the record is not included in the output data.


  • Attribute -- The name of the attribute to filter on. Does not need to be listed in the sync attributes.
  • Expression -- A text expression for which to search. Uses RE2 regular expression syntax.
  • Exclude -- If true, records matching the expression are excluded.
  • Nullable -- If false, and Attribute is missing or null, an error will be logged and the sync will fail.

Example config

Following is an example configuration for Filter. Unrelated parameters have been omitted for simplicity.

  "Source": {
    "Type": "RestAPI",
    "ExtraJSON": {
      "Filters": [
          "Attribute": "active",
          "Expression": "true"
          "Attribute": "email",
          "Expression": "@example\\.com"



Data sources coming from simple API calls can use the RestAPI source. Here are some examples of how to configure it:

Basic Authentication

  "Source": {
    "Type": "RestAPI",
    "ExtraJSON": {
      "ListMethod": "GET",
      "BaseURL": "",
      "ResultsJSONContainer": "Results",
      "AuthType": "basic",
      "Username": "username",
      "Password": "password",
      "CompareAttribute": "email",
      "UserAgent": "personnel-sync"
  "SyncSets": [
      "Name": "Sync from REST API",
      "Source": {
        "Paths": ["/users"]
      "Destination": {
          "DisableAdd": false,
          "DisableUpdate": false,
          "DisableDelete": false

Bearer Token Authentication

  "Source": {
    "Type": "RestAPI",
    "ExtraJSON": {
      "ListMethod": "GET",
      "BaseURL": "",
      "ResultsJSONContainer": "Results",
      "AuthType": "bearer",
      "Password": "token",
      "CompareAttribute": "email",
      "UserAgent": "personnel-sync"

SyncSets is configured the same as for basic authentication.

Salesforce OAuth Authentication

In Salesforce Setup, choose "App Manager", and add a new app. Tick the "Enable OAuth Settings" box and enter in the Callback URL. Add any required Scopes, such as "Manage user data via APIs (api)".

Once the app has been created, from App Manager, choose View from the context menu of the new app. Copy the Consumer Key and paste it in the config.json Source.ExtraJSON.ClientID and copy the Consumer Secret and paste it in the Client Secret json property.

If you don't already have a Security Token, go to User Settings, My Personal Information, Reset My Security Token. Add your username in the config.json Username property, and your password concatenated with your Security Token in the Password property.

If using a Sandbox org, change the config.json BaseURL property to

  "Source": {
    "Type": "RestAPI",
    "ExtraJSON": {
      "ListMethod": "GET",
      "BaseURL": "",
      "ResultsJSONContainer": "records",
      "AuthType": "SalesforceOauth",
      "Username": "[email protected]",
      "Password": "abc123def.ghiJKL",
      "ClientID": "ABCD1234abcd56789_ABCD1234abcd5678ABCD1234abcd5678ABCD1234abcd5678ABCD1.234abcd5678ABC",
      "ClientSecret": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF",
      "CompareAttribute": "Email",
      "UserAgent": "personnel-sync"
  "SyncSets": [
      "Name": "Sync from Salesforce to Xyz API",
      "Source": {
        "Paths": ["/services/data/v20.0/query/?q=SELECT%20Email,FirstName,LastName%20FROM%20Contact"]
      "Destination": {
          "DisableAdd": false,
          "DisableUpdate": false,
          "DisableDelete": false

SyncSets is configured the same as for basic authentication.

Google Sheets

The Google Sheets source reads records in rows from a Sheets document, where the first row contains field names.

If not specified in the configuration, the sheet name is "Sheet1"

Example config:

  "Source": {
    "Type": "GoogleSheets",
    "ExtraJSON": {
      "DelegatedAdminEmail": "[email protected]",
      "GoogleAuth": {
        "type": "service_account",
        "project_id": "abc-theme-123456",
        "private_key_id": "abc123",
        "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIabc...\nabc...\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
        "client_email": "[email protected]",
        "client_id": "123456789012345678901",
        "auth_uri": "",
        "token_uri": "",
        "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
        "client_x509_cert_url": ""
  "AttributeMap": [
      "Source": "email",
      "Destination": "email"
      "Source": "employee_id",
      "Destination": "employee_id"
  "SyncSets": [
      "Name": "Sync from Google Sheets to Xyz API",
      "Source": {
        "SheetID": "putAnActualSheetIDHerejD70xAjqPnOCHlDK3YomH",
        "SheetName": "Sheet2",
        "CompareAttribute": "employee_id"
      "Destination": {
          "DisableAdd": false,
          "DisableUpdate": false,
          "DisableDelete": false



Destinations conforming to a simple REST API can use the RestAPI destination. Authentication is the same as for a REST API source, except that Salesforce OAuth is not supported.

Here are some examples of how to configure it:

Basic Authentication

  "Destination": {
    "Type": "RestAPI",
    "ExtraJSON": {
      "ListMethod": "GET",
      "CreateMethod": "POST",
      "BaseURL": "",
      "ResultsJSONContainer": "Results",
      "AuthType": "basic",
      "Username": "username",
      "Password": "password",
      "CompareAttribute": "email",
      "UserAgent": "personnel-sync"

Bearer Token Authentication

  "Destination": {
    "Type": "RestAPI",
    "ExtraJSON": {
      "ListMethod": "GET",
      "CreateMethod": "POST",
      "UpdateMethod": "PUT",
      "DeleteMethod": "DELETE",
      "IDAttribute": "id",
      "BaseURL": "",
      "ResultsJSONContainer": "Results",
      "AuthType": "bearer",
      "Password": "token",
      "CompareAttribute": "email",
      "UserAgent": "personnel-sync"
  "SyncSets": [
      "Name": "Sync from personnel to REST API",
      "Source": {
          "Paths": ["/user-report"]
      "Destination": {
        "Paths": ["/users"],
        "CreatePath": "/users",
        "UpdatePath": "/users/{id}",
        "DeletePath": "/users/{id}"

Google Contacts

This destination can create, update, and delete Contact records in the Google Shared Contacts list.

The compare attribute is email. A limited subset of contact properties are available to be updated. WARNING: On update, all properties are modified even if absent from the configuration. Omitted properties are set to empty. One exception is fullName which is filled in by Google with givenName + familyName

property Google property
id id
email email.address
phoneNumber phoneNumber.text
familyName name.familyName
givenName name.givenName
fullName name.fullName
organization organization.orgName
department organization.orgDepartment
title organization.orgTitle
jobDescription organization.orgJobDescription
where where.valueString
notes content

phoneNumber can be extended by adding a Google rel or a label to the property name in the config.json AttributeMap. For example: phoneNumber, or phoneNumber,Personal Phone. If neither are supplied, the "work" rel will be applied and the primary attribute will be set.

Consult the Google API reference for details.

Below is an example of the destination configuration required for Google Shared Contacts:

  "Destination": {
    "Type": "GoogleContacts",
    "DisableAdd": false,
    "DisableUpdate": false,
    "DisableDelete": false,
    "ExtraJSON": {
      "BatchSize": 10,
      "BatchDelaySeconds": 3,
      "DelegatedAdminEmail": "[email protected]",
      "Domain": "",
      "GoogleAuth": {
        "type": "service_account",
        "project_id": "abc-theme-123456",
        "private_key_id": "abc123",
        "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIabc...\nabc...\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
        "client_email": "[email protected]",
        "client_id": "123456789012345678901",
        "auth_uri": "",
        "token_uri": "",
        "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
        "client_x509_cert_url": ""
  "AttributeMap": [
      "Source": "email",
      "Destination": "email",
      "required": true
      "Source": "phoneNumber",
      "Destination": "phoneNumber",
      "required": false
      "Source": "last_name",
      "Destination": "familyName",
      "required": true
      "Source": "first_name",
      "Destination": "givenName",
      "required": true
      "Source": "display_name",
      "Destination": "fullName",
      "required": false
      "Source": "organization",
      "Destination": "organization",
      "required": false
      "Source": "department",
      "Destination": "department",
      "required": false
      "Source": "title",
      "Destination": "title",
      "required": false
      "Source": "job_description",
      "Destination": "jobDescription",
      "required": false
      "Source": "where",
      "Destination": "where",
      "required": false

Note: Source fields should be adjusted to fit the actual source adapter.

Configurations for BatchSize, BatchDelaySeconds, DisableAdd, DisableUpdate, and DisableDelete are all optional with defaults as shown in example.

Google Groups

This destination is useful for keeping Google Groups in sync with reports from a personnel system. Below is an example of the destination configuration required for Google Groups:

  "Destination": {
    "Type": "GoogleGroups",
    "ExtraJSON": {
      "BatchSize": 10,
      "BatchDelaySeconds": 3,
      "DelegatedAdminEmail": "[email protected]",
      "GoogleAuth": {
        "type": "service_account",
        "project_id": "abc-theme-123456",
        "private_key_id": "abc123",
        "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIabc...\nabc...\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
        "client_email": "[email protected]",
        "client_id": "123456789012345678901",
        "auth_uri": "",
        "token_uri": "",
        "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
        "client_x509_cert_url": ""
  "AttributeMap": [
      "Source": "First_Name",
      "Destination": "givenName",
      "required": true
      "Source": "Last_Name",
      "Destination": "sn",
      "required": true
      "Source": "Email",
      "Destination": "mail",
      "required": true
  "SyncSets": [
      "Name": "Sync from personnel to Google Groups",
      "Source": {
          "Path": ["/user-report"]
      "Destination": {
          "GroupEmail": "[email protected]",
          "Owners": ["[email protected]","[email protected]"],
          "Managers": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
          "ExtraOwners": ["[email protected]"],
          "DisableAdd": false,
          "DisableUpdate": false,
          "DisableDelete": false

Note: Source fields should be adjusted to fit the actual source adapter.

Configurations for BatchSize, BatchDelaySeconds, DisableAdd, DisableUpdate, and DisableDelete are all optional with defaults as shown in example.

Google Sheets

The Google Sheets destination creates a copy of the source data in a Google Sheets document.

If any of the disable options, DisableAdd, DisableDelete, or DisableUpdate are set to true, no sync will be performed.

There must be at least two rows in the sheet to begin with. The first row must be pre-filled with field names. The second row must be present, but will be ignored and may be overwritten.

The entire sheet will be overwritten with new data on every sync

If not specified in the configuration, the sheet updated is "Sheet1"

Example config:

  "Destination": {
    "Type": "GoogleSheets",
    "ExtraJSON": {
      "DelegatedAdminEmail": "[email protected]",
      "GoogleAuth": {
        "type": "service_account",
        "project_id": "abc-theme-123456",
        "private_key_id": "abc123",
        "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIabc...\nabc...\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
        "client_email": "[email protected]",
        "client_id": "123456789012345678901",
        "auth_uri": "",
        "token_uri": "",
        "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
        "client_x509_cert_url": ""
  "AttributeMap": [
      "Source": "email",
      "Destination": "email"
      "Source": "employee_id",
      "Destination": "employee_id"
  "SyncSets": [
      "Name": "Sync from Xyz API to Google Sheets",
      "Source": {
        "Paths": ["/user"]
      "Destination": {
        "SheetID": "putAnActualSheetIDHerejD70xAjqPnOCHlDK3YomH",
        "SheetName": "Sheet2"

Note: Source fields should be adjusted to fit the actual source adapter.

Google Users

This destination can update User records in the Google Directory. Create and delete are not yet implemented. The compare attribute is email (primaryEmail). A limited subset of user properties are available to be updated.

property Google property Google sub-property Google type
id externalIds value organization
email primaryEmail
area locations area desk
costCenter organizations* costCenter (not set)
department organizations* department (not set)
title organizations* title (not set)
phone phones value
manager relations value manager
familyName name familyName n/a
givenName name givenName n/a

Custom schema properties can be added using dot notation. For example, a custom property with Field name Building in the custom schema Location is represented as Location.Building. NOTE: Spaces in schema name and field name should be replaced by underscores. Google may also append a number on field names, e.g. "Building_2", in which case the configuration should be Location.Building_2

Phone types are represented by separating the property name from its type with a comma (,). For example: phone,home or phone,work. Multiple phones of the same type can be referenced by adding a tilde (~) and a number. For example: phone,work and phone,work~1. Types other than those defined by the Google API spec should be referenced using a custom type as follows: phone,custom,sat.

* CAUTION: updating any field in organizations will overwrite all existing organizations

Following is an example configuration listing all available fields:

  "Destination": {
    "Type": "GoogleUsers",
    "ExtraJSON": {
      "BatchSize": 10,
      "BatchDelaySeconds": 3,
      "DelegatedAdminEmail": "[email protected]",
      "GoogleAuth": {
        "type": "service_account",
        "project_id": "abc-theme-123456",
        "private_key_id": "abc123",
        "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIabc...\nabc...\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
        "client_email": "[email protected]",
        "client_id": "123456789012345678901",
        "auth_uri": "",
        "token_uri": "",
        "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
        "client_x509_cert_url": ""
  "AttributeMap": [
      "Source": "email",
      "Destination": "email",
      "required": true
      "Source": "last_name",
      "Destination": "familyName",
      "required": true
      "Source": "first_name",
      "Destination": "givenName",
      "required": true
      "Source": "id",
      "Destination": "id",
      "required": false
      "Source": "phone",
      "Destination": "phone",
      "required": false
      "Source": "area",
      "Destination": "area",
      "required": false
      "Source": "building",
      "Destination": "Location.Building",
      "required": false
      "Source": "cost_center",
      "Destination": "costCenter",
      "required": false
      "Source": "department",
      "Destination": "department",
      "required": false
      "Source": "title",
      "Destination": "title",
      "required": false
      "Source": "manager",
      "Destination": "manager",
      "required": false

Note: Source fields should be adjusted to fit the actual source adapter.

Google Service Account Configuration

(see and

In the Google Developer Console ...

  • Enable the appropriate API for the Service Account in the Google APIs Developer Console, APIs and Services, Enable APIS And Services.
    • For the Google Users adapter, enable "Admin SDK"
    • For the Google Groups adapter, enable "Admin SDK"
    • For the Google Contacts adapter, enable "Contacts API"
    • For the Google Sheets adapter, enable "Google Sheets API"
  • Create a new Service Account and a corresponding JSON credential file, which should contain something like this:
    "type": "service_account",
    "project_id": "abc-theme-123456",
    "private_key_id": "abc123",
    "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIabc...\nabc...\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
    "client_email": "[email protected]",
    "client_id": "123456789012345678901",
    "auth_uri": "",
    "token_uri": "",
    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
    "client_x509_cert_url": ""

These contents will need to be copied into the config.json file as the value of the GoogleAuth key under Destination/ExtraJSON.

In Google Admin, Security, API Controls ...

  • Manage Domain-wide Delegation
  • Add the appropriate API Scopes to the Service Account. Use the numeric client_id.
  • API Scopes required for Google Groups are: and
  • The API Scope required for Google Contacts is:
  • The API Scope required for Google User Directory is:
  • Google Sheets does not require Domain-wide Delegation. Instead, share the sheet with the service account. Note: it will say the user is not in the organization. This warning can be ignored. If you do add a DelegatedAdminEmail address, you must use the API Scope which will grant admin access to all sheets.

The sync job will need to use the Service Account credentials to impersonate another user that has appropriate domain privileges and who has logged in at least once into Google Workspace and accepted the terms and conditions. The email address for this user should be stored in the config.json as the DelegatedAdminEmail value under Destination/ExtraJSON.

SolarWinds WebHelpDesk

  "AttributeMap": [
        "Source": "FIRST_NAME",
        "Destination": "firstName",
        "required": true,
        "CaseSensitive": true
        "Source": "LAST_NAME",
        "Destination": "lastName",
        "required": true,
        "CaseSensitive": true
        "Source": "EMAIL",
        "Destination": "email",
        "required": true,
        "CaseSensitive": false
        "Source": "USER_NAME",
        "Destination": "username",
        "required": true,
        "CaseSensitive": false
        "Source": "Staff_ID",
        "Destination": "employmentStatus"
  "Destination": {
    "Type": "WebHelpDesk",
    "ExtraJSON": {
      "URL": "",
      "Username": "syncuser",
      "Password": "apitoken",
      "ListClientsPageLimit": 100,
      "BatchSize": 50,
      "BatchDelaySeconds": 60

ListClientsPageLimit, BatchSize and BatchDelaySeconds are optional. Their defaults are as shown in the example config.


The AttributeMap section of the config file lists the data attributes to be synchronized from Source to Destination. It has the following parameters:

  • Source

This is the name of an attribute as found in the Source data provider. It is a required parameter.

  • Destination

This is the name of an attribute as found in the Destination data provider. It is a required parameter.

  • Required

If this parameter is included and contains true, then any source record that does not include this attribute is dropped from the data set.

  • CaseSensitive

If this parameter is included and contains true, then the comparison between source and destination data values does not match if case is different.

  • Expression

Optional regular expression string to use with the Replace parameter. Use groups delimited by parentheses to manipulate data as it is transferred from Source to Destination.

Example: (.*)

  • Replace

Optional replacement string to manipulate Source data before writing to the Destination. Group identifiers like $1 can be used to reference groups defined in the Expression parameter.


Other notes

Exporting logs from CloudWatch

The log messages in CloudWatch can be viewed on the AWS Management Console. If an exported text or json file is needed, the AWS CLI tool can be used as follows:

aws configure
aws logs get-log-events \
   --log-group-name "/aws/lambda/lambda-name" \
   --log-stream-name '2019/11/14/[$LATEST]0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef' \
   --output text \
   --query 'events[*].message'

Replace /aws/lambda/lambda-name with the actual log group name and 2019/11/14/[$LATEST]0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef with the actual log stream. Note the single quotes around the log stream name to prevent the shell from interpreting the $ character. --output text can be changed to --output json if desired. Timestamps are available if needed, but omitted in this example by the --query string.


Application for syncing people from one system to another. Configuration driven to support multiple destination systems.







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