Installation is super easy. Gems work like that.
gem install pixxxer
Pixxxer provide a simple DSL for defining fixed with data and then extensions to String and Hash to build and parse those records. It can handle floats, integers, and strings.
Assuming a record like this:
Title Author Qty Price
----- ------ --- -----
Dune Herbert 0012001295
1 2
You can define the follwing template:
To use the template to parse:
record = 'Dune Herbert 0012001295'.depixxxit(:book)
record[:title].should == 'Dune '
record[:author].should == 'Herbert '
record[:quantity].should == 120
record[:price].should == 12.95
To use the template to build a record:
s = record.pixxxit(:book)
s.should == 'Dune Herbert 0012001295'
Notes: Most things default to zero. Fields default to strings. at_position is zero-based
Copyright(c) 2011 Guy Royse & Alyssa Diaz. See LICENSE for further details.