CouchRest is based on CouchDB's couch.js test library, which I find to be concise, clear, and well designed. CouchRest lightly wraps CouchDB's HTTP API, managing JSON serialization, and remembering the URI-paths to CouchDB's API endpoints so you don't have to.
CouchRest is designed to make a simple base for application and framework-specific object oriented APIs. CouchRest is Object-Mapper agnostic, the parsed JSON it returns from CouchDB shows up as subclasses of Ruby's Hash. Naked JSON, just as it was mean to be.
Note: CouchRest only support CouchDB 0.9.0 or newer. Some features requires CouchDB 0.10.0 or newer.
Now sticking to JSON standard format. Ensure you views using Time will be ordered correctly after upgrade!
$ sudo gem install couchrest
CouchRest rests on top of a HTTP abstraction layer using by default Heroku’s excellent REST Client Ruby HTTP wrapper.
For more complete modelling support based on Rails 3's ActiveModel, please checkout CouchRest's sister project: CouchRest Model.
As of May 2010 support for the popular CouchRest::ExtendedDocument mixin has been moved to its own gem: couchrest_extended_document.
If you're starting a new project however, we recommend you use the more actively maintained CouchRest Model project, supported by the same team of developers.
The most complete documentation is the spec/ directory. To validate your CouchRest install, from the project root directory use bundler to install the dependencies and then run the tests:
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec spec spec
To date, the couchrest specs have been show to run on:
- Ruby 1.8.7
- Ruby 1.9.2
- JRuby 1.5.6
Check the wiki for documentation and examples
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