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GUI parts library for Web application using WebComponents


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WebAudioControls is GUI parts Custom Elements library for Web application using WebComponents.
Especially suitable for audio-applications like VST plugins.

webaudio-controls is consist of following components

Component Description
webaudio-knob Rotating or some other frame-by-frame animation knob
webaudio-slider Vertical or Horizontal slider
webaudio-switch Toggle/Kick/Radio switches
webaudio-param Editable value display field
webaudio-keyboard Mouse/Touch playable keyboard. multi-touch support.

Difference from old version

There are some difference from old [Polymer 1.4] version.

  • Current webaudio-controls uses the Custom Elements V1 API directly. In Chrome / Safari / Firefox (59 and later) it works without polyfill. Please install webcomponentsjs on Firefox (58 or less), Edge etc Custom Elements non-compatible browsers.

  • Event firing. Knobs/Sliders fires 'input' event instead of 'change' during drag. This is same behavior as input type=range tags.

  • Value post conversion function conv attribute is available. It will help for implement, for example, exponential curve parameters. Also Tooltip and Valuetip is integrated. It is now acceptable C-like formatting string for current value display.

Chrome / Firefox / Safari / Opera compatible
iOS and Android touch devices compatible

Live Demo (with external image-files)
Live Demo (with code example)
Live Demo (Knob/Slider/Switch/Param/Keyboard default style)
Live Demo (Various Knob Images)
Live Demo (Multi-Touch Fader)
Live Demo (webaudio-keyboard to Web MIDI API)
(need Web MIDI API support)
Renoid : Practical application using webaudio-controls
webaudio-controls Resize Test
webaudio-controls NonLinear values Test

Using with external image-files.

Default style with no external image-files.

To Operate

Following user actions are supported.

Operation Component Description
Click Switch/Param toggle / activate the switch or focus the param
Drag Knob/Slider up/right to increase value / down/left to decrease value
Shift+Drag Knob/Slider fine control
Ctrl+Click / Command+Click(Mac) Knob/Slider/Switch set to default value
Keyboard Param/Keyboard edit the param value directly / [ZSXDCV...for lowest visible 'C' octave] and [Q2W3E... one octave higher] as a music keyboard
MouseWheel Knob/Slider rotate upward to increase value / downward to decrease value
Shift+MouseWheel Knob/Slider fine control
Mouse Button Press / Touch Keyboard play keyboard. multi-touch is supported

How to use

  • Install

    • The main file is webaudio-controls.js. If you want to support non-WebComponents ready browsers, webcomponents.js is also needed.
    • Use command bower install --save g200kg/webaudio-controls, if you use bower. Or download zipped file and deploy appropriately.
    • If you want to load webaudio-controls.js directly from this GitHub page, installation is not necessary.
  • [for WebComponents polyfill] load webcomponents.js

    • <script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
  • insert webaudio-knob/slider/switch/param/keyboard elements. for example...
    • <webaudio-knob src="img/LittlePhatty.png" sprites="100" min="0" max="100"></webaudio-knob>
    • <webaudio-slider src="img/hsliderbody.png"></webaudio-slider>
    • <webaudio-switch src="img/switch_toggle.png" width="32" height="32"></webaudio-switch>
    • <webaudio-param src="" link="knob-1"></webaudio-param>
    • <webaudio-keyboard keys="25" ></webaudio-keyboard>



Attribute Options Default Description
src string null url of the knob image, Single frame or vertical stitched. Internal embedded resource is used if not specified.
value float 0 The current value. Also used as initial value if specified
defvalue float Initial 'value' is used if not specified The default value that will be used when ctrl+click
min float 0 Minimum value of the knob
max float 100 Maximum value of the knob
step float 1 Value step of the control. The 'value' is always rounded to multiple of 'step'
width int 0 Knob width in px. diameter value is used if this value is 0.
height int 0 Knob height in px. diameter value is used if this value is 0.
diameter int 64 Knob diameter in px. This attribute can be used instead of width / height if the display image is square.
sprites int 0 if 0, the src image should be single frame image that indicate middle position. the image will be rotated -135deg to +135deg. If sprirites is not 0, the src image should be vertically stitched multi-framed image. sprites specify the max frame number in the stitched knob image. Note that this is (number of frames) - 1
sensitivity float 1 Pointing device sensitivity. min-max range correspond to (128 / sensitivity) px
valuetip 0,1 1 Enable the overlaid value-tip display.
tooltip string null Tooltip text that will be shown when mouse hover a while. If the text include a C-printf style value formatter like %8.2f, it will be replaced by current value. This formatter should be %[n][.][m]{d,f,x,X,s}. Here the 'n' is total columns, 'm' is after the decimal point columns. If the conv function is specified, the converted value convValue is used for display.
conv string null Value conversion function. If this function is specified, the function is called with current value as argument and be stored as convValue. That will be used as tooltip display. For example, conv="(x)=>{return Math.pow(10,x)*20}" is specified, for range of value between 0 and 3, the range of convValue corresponds to 20 to 20000.
enable 0,1 1 Enable control with the pointing device.
colors string "#e00;#000;#000" Semicolon separated 3 colors for 'indicator', 'body' and 'highlight'. These colors are used in default knob (when src is not provided).
outline 0,1 1 Border display when focused.
midilearn 0,1 0 If 1, MIDI learn function with right-click menu is enabled.
midicc string null Assign MIDI control change to this knob, with format, here the ch is channel (1-16, ignore channel if 0) and cn is control number (0-119).


Attribute Options Default Description
src string null url of the slider background image. Solid background color if not specified.
knobsrc string null url of the slider knob part image. Internal embedded resouce is used if not specified
value float 0 The current value. Also used as initial value if specified
defvalue float Initial 'value' is used if not specified The default value that will be used when ctrl+click
min float 0 Minimum value of the slider
max float 100 Maximum value of the slider
step float 1 Value step of the control. The 'value' is always rounded to multiple of 'step'
width int 24 Slider display width in px
height int 128 Slider display height in px
knobwidth int same as 'width' if 'direction' is vert, or same as 'height' if 'direction' is horz Slider knob part width in px
knobheight int same as 'width' if 'direction' is vert, or same as 'height' if 'direction' is horz Slider knob part height in px
ditchlength int ('height'-'knobheight') or ('width'-'knobwidth') depends on 'direction' Knob movable length
direction "vert","horz" "vert" Slider direction. vertical or horizontal
sensitivity float 1 Pointing device sensitivity. min-max range correspond to (128 / 'sensitivity') px
valuetip 0,1 1 Enable the overlaid value-tip display.
tooltip string null Tooltip text that will be shown when mouse hover a while. If the text include a C-printf style value formatter like %8.2f, it will be replaced by current value. This formatter should be %[n][.][m]{d,f,x,X,s}. Here the 'n' is total columns, 'm' is after the decimal point columns. If the conv function is specified, the converted value convValue is used for display.
conv string null Value conversion function. If this function is specified, the function is called with current value as argument and be stored as convValue. That will be used as tooltip display. For example, conv="(x)=>{return Math.pow(10,x)*20}" is specified, for range of value between 0 and 3, the range of convValue corresponds to 20 to 20000.
enable 0, 1 1 Enable control with the pointing device.
colors string "#e00;#000;#fff" Semicolon separated 3 colors for 'knob', 'background' and 'highlight'. These colors are used in default knob (when src or knobsrc is not provided).
outline 0,1 1 Border display when focused.
midilearn 0,1 0 If 1, MIDI learn function with right-click menu is enabled.
midicc string null Assign MIDI control change to this slider. with format, here the ch is channel (1-16, ignore channel if 0) and cn is control number (0-119).


Attribute Options Default Description
src string Internal embedded resource is used if not specified url of the vertical stitched switch image
value 0,1 0 The current value (0 or 1). Also used as initial value of the switch if specified
defvalue 0,1 Initial 'value' is used if not specified The default value that will be used when ctrl+click
width int 32 Switch display width in px
height int 32 Switch display height in px
type "toggle","kick","radio" "toggle" Switch type. "toggle" switch has so-called 'checkbox' function. "radio" switch is a radio-button and the "kick" switch is a general command button
group string null Group id string used if the 'type' is "radio". Only one switch will be set to "1" in same group
invert 0,1 0 exchange on and off image
tooltip string null Tooltip text that will be shown when mouse hover a while
enable 0,1 1 Enable control with the pointing device.
colors string "#e00;#000;#fff" Semicolon separated 3 colors for 'knob', 'background' and 'highlight'. These colors are used in default switch (when src is not provided).
outline 0,1 1 Border display when focused.
midilearn string null If true, MIDI learn function with right-click menu is enabled.
midicc string null Assign MIDI control change to this switch. with format, here the ch is channel (1-16, ignore channel if 0) and cn is control number (0-119).


Attribute Options Default Description
src string Black rectangle if not specified Background image or color. Transparent if set to "", or url to background image.
value float 0 The current value. Usually same as linked control
width int 32 Parameter display width in px
height int 16 Parameter display height in px
fontsize int 9 Font-size of the parameter display
colors string "#e00;#000" Semicolon separated 2 colors for text and background. background color is used when src is not defined.
outline 0,1 1 Border display when focused.
link string null Specify the linked webaudio-knob/slider/switch by Id


Attribute Options Default Description
values int array [] The array of current pressed key numbers. "values" may has more than one element in multi-touch environment.
width int 480 Keyboard display width in px
height int 128 Keyboard display height in px
min int 0 Lowest Key number. Each key is numbered incrementally from this number. If the "min" is not 0 and the modulo 12 is not zero, the keyboard is started from corresponding position (not-C). Note that the specified key should be a 'white-key'.
keys int 25 Number of keys. 25 means 25 keys keyboard.
colors string '#222; #eee;#ccc; #333;#000; #e88;#c44; #c33;#800' semicolon separated 9 keyboard colors. 'border; whitekey-grad-from;whitekey-grad-to; blackkey-grad-from;blackkey-grad-to; active-whitekey-grad-from;active-whitekey-grad-to; active-blackkey-grad-from;active-blackkey-grad-to'. Each key surface can has garadient left to right with 'from' and 'to'.
outline 0,1 1 Border display when focused.
enable 0,1 1 Enable control with the pointing device.


setValue(value, fire)

webaudio-knob | webaudio-slider | webaudio-switch
description: Each control can be setup and redraw by calling this function from JavaScript. If the fire parameter is undefined or false, this function will not fire 'change' event. Or the change event will be fired.


description: webaudio-keyboard can be setup pressing state with this function from JavaScript. corresponding key specified by the note is pressed if the state is non-zero otherwise the key is released. This function will NOT fire the 'change' event.



webaudio-knob | webaudio-slider
description: 'input' event is fired when knob / slider value changes while dragging.


webaudio-knob | webaudio-slider | webaudio-switch | webaudio-keyboard
description: 'change' event is fired when value changes is decided. It means mouse button release for knobs and sliders, or switch / keyboard state changes. Also issued when setValue() function call with fire flag is nonzero. In the event handler of webaudio-knob,webaudio-slider or webaudio-switch, current value can be get with referring

var knobs = document.getElementsByTagName('webaudio-knob');
for (var i = 0; i < knobs.length; i++) {
  var knob = knobs[i];
  knob.addEventListener('change', function(e) {

For the webaudio-keyboard, each 'change' event has the property '.note' that contain a array [key-state, key-number]. For example event.note = [1, 60] if the key#60 is on, or event.note = [0, 60] if the key#60 is off.

var keyboard = document.getElementsById('keyboard');
keyboard.addEventListener('change', function(e) {


webaudio-switch (kick)
description: 'click' event is emitted if the 'kick' type webaudio-switch has clicked.


By setting the global object, WebAudioControlsOptions, you can specify default values such as the knob size or colors etc when attribute setting on each tag is omitted. This declaration should be prior to the webaduio-controls.js loading.

<script src="webaudio-controls.js"></script>

The items that can be set are as follows

name default description
useMidi 0 enable control from midi devices
midilearn 0 enable midilearn function for each knobs/sliders/switches
outline 1 border display when focused
knobWidth 0 width for knobs
knobHeight 0 height for knobs
knobDiameter 64 diameter for knobs
knobSrc null knob image source
knobSprites 0 knob image number of frames
knobColors "#e00;#000;#000" color setting for knobs
sliderWidth 24 width for sliders
sliderHeight 128 height for sliders
sliderColors "#e00;#000;#fcc" color setting for sliders
switchWidth 0 width for switches
switchHeight 0 height for switches
switchDiameter 24 diameter for switches
switchColors "#e00;#000;#fcc" color setting for switches
paramWidth 32 width for param
paramHeight 16 height for param
paramColors "#fff;#000" color setting for param

Creating knob images

webaudio-knob (with sprites is 0 (default)) use a single frame knob image that indicate center position. For example,

This image will be rotated from -135deg to +135deg. This approach will works well if the image is flat designed, but more complex animation (for example, drop-shadowed, highlighted or something elastic) will need pre-rendered frame-by-frame animation as below.

webaudio-knob (with non zero "sprites") use a vertical 'stitched' multi-frames animation image, and webaudio-switch use a vertical 'stitched' two-frames animation image. For example,

This knob example has only 5 frames but it should has more frames for smooth animation. I recommend to use JKnobMan/WebKnobMan for making these stitched images,

Here is a brief instruction to export knob-image from KnobGallery

  • Go to KnobGallery
  • Find your favorite knob design and click 'Open with WebKnobMan'
  • Click on 'Export' to download png file
  • Of course, you can create your own!

Note: comply with license requirements

MIDI support: knobs, sliders and switches have midilearn/midicc support built-in

To enable MIDI related functions, add the following line before the <link> tag that loads webaudio-controls.html


Midilearn right click menu: add a midilearn=1 attribute to the <webaudio-knob>, <webaudio-slider> and <webaudio-switch> elements. Then right click on the element in the GUI, a midi learn menu should appear. Then, operate one of your midi controller and it should start actionning the webaudio-controls widget in the HTML page. You can hot plug/unplug midi devices, they will be detected.

Midi Learn Menu

Declarative association between a midi controller and a GUI webaudiocontrol: There is also an HTML midicc="" attribute that works like this: midicc="3.2" means "listen to a cc event on channel 3, cc number 2". If you don't know the channel/cc number of your controller: 1) add a midilearn=1 attribute so that a right click on the GUI widget will display the midilearn menu, 2) select "learn" in the menu, 3) operate your knob/slider/switch, normally the midi controller and the GUI object are in sync. 4) look at the devtool console, there is a message indicating the channel and cc number, for example "channel 0, cc 28". Then if you add the attribute midicc="0.28" to the HTML of your knob/slider/switch, the midi mapping between your GUI webaudiocontrol and your midi controller will be automatic. Follow the links at the end of this section and look at the HTML source code to see some examples.

Example: associate a knob with a controller on channel 7, cc number 7:

<webaudio-knob midilearn=true midicc="7.7" ...></webaudio-knob>

External midi event listener (hook): you can also declare in your HTML file your own midi event listener (for example for listening to program changes events): use the webAudioControlsMidiManager object, that comes with an addMidiListener method. Like that you will benefit from the MIDI code included in the webaudiocontrols. Here is an example (also, look at the source code of the Sample1.html demo, and open the devtool console to see midi messages received by the hook at the end of the HTML file).

// add this to your html page that uses webaudiocontrols
webAudioControlsMidiManager.addMidiListener(function(event) {
    var data =;
    var channel = data[0] & 0xf;
    var controlNumber = data[1];

    console.log("Midi event hook: data:[" + data + "] channel:" + channel + " cc:"+controlNumber);

    // do whatever you want with the event
    // ...

Demo at: and at


WebAudio-Controls is developped based on:

Copyright (c) 2013 Eiji Kitamura / Ryoya KAWAI / Keisuke Ai / g200kg / @micbuffa / @CellouBalde
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

Knob/Switch images in samples are from Knob Gallery
switch_toggle.knob by az (c) 2011 CC-BY


GUI parts library for Web application using WebComponents







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  • JavaScript 66.9%
  • HTML 33.1%