ExCYT is a MATLAB-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows users to analyze their flow cytometry data via commonly employed analytical techniques for high-dimensional data including dimensionality reduction via t-SNE, a variety of automated and manual clustering methods, heatmaps, and novel high-dimensional flow plots.
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This version of ExCYT accompanies the initial publication of the following manuscript. Full instructions on how to use this software can be found at the following link:
If you find ExCYT helpful, please cite:
Sidhom, J. W., Theodros, D., Murter, B., Zarif, J. C., Ganguly, S., Pardoll, D. M., Baras, A. ExCYT: A Graphical User Interface for Streamlining Analysis of High-Dimensional Cytometry Data. J. Vis. Exp. (143), e57473, doi:10.3791/57473 (2019).
In order to run ExCYT, install MATLAB R2018b, download main directory and run FlowGUI.m from the MATLAB command line to open GUI.