A django based server using celery capable of doing the following:
- Exposes a GET API which keeps the request running for provided time on the server side and after the successful completion of the provided time it returns some result.
- Exposes a GET API that returns all the running requests on the server with their time left for completion.
- Exposes a PUT API to terminate the running request with provided connId.
NOTE: For Linux(ubuntu distros only)-- Tested on ElementaryOS
Download the zip & extract OR clone the repository.
Install Python version 2.7.x.
Install pip.
Install Virtual Environment( For your own benefit of not installing packages globally ) $ pip install virtualenv
Create a virtual environment( Make it somewhere near the downloaded folder for your own benefit) $ virtualenv myvenv
--The above Terminal initializes a virtual environment( Folder ) with name 'myvenv' --You can give any name
Install Redis Server( This is the broker which helps in message passing. It also helps in storing Celery tasks) $ sudo apt-get install redis-server
--In order to execute the above command you might need to repository listing. --You can also install redis server by downloading the files from their website.
Check whether Redis Server is running or not $ redis-cli ping
--If Redis Server is running then it would respond you with "PONG"
Enter virtual environment $ source PATH-TO-VIRTUAL-ENVIRONMENT/myvenv/bin/activate
--Now the command shell would look like (myvenv) $
Install all the Project Dependencies inside virtual environment (myvenv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
--This file is inside the downloaded Project folder so either get inside the Downloaded project folder or use "pip install -r PATH-TO-requirements.txt-Folder/requirements.txt"
Get inside the Extracted Folder(Where "manage.py" is located)
Start Celery workers (myvenv) $ ./manage.py celery worker --loglevel=info
Start Django project by firing up Django Server (myvenv) $ ./manage.py runserver
--Now Django app is running on http://localhost:8000 --You can also access this server from any other system on the same Network
Creating a request GO TO URL -- "http://localhost:8000/api/request?connId=YOUR_WISH&timeOut=YOUR_WISH"
--timeOut is in seconds. --The request is running in the background. You can see it executing in the Celery Terminal --The request here is doing very basic job. It is only to show that it is working. You can create any desired task by changing the task in "tasks.py" file. --You can see all the active/running requests by follwing the next step.
Getting and checking all running requests GO TO URL -- "http://localhost:8000/api/active"
To see the Server Status GO TO URL -- "http://localhost:8000/api/serverStatus"
To kill a request GO TO URL -- "http://localhost:8000/api/kill/"
and execute a PUT request on it with a payload/data {"connId" : "YOUR_WISH"} --for your own convenience I have given a second option to kill the request --You can also simply kill a request by running a GET call on -- http://localhost:8000/api/kill?connId=YOUR_WISH so that don't have to use any Third party Software/Plugin/Extension to kill a task.