The pedigreeR
package offers a suit of functions for pedigree analyses, including: sorting and editing pedigree data, computing inbreeding, additive relationships and functions of it (e.g., cholesky decomposistions, inverse of a numerator relationship matrix, etc.). The package was originally co-developed by Douglas M. Bates and Ana I. Vazquez and was incorporated in the lme4 R-package. Recently, pedigreeR evolved to an stand-alone package. We have added new features for analysis of data from self-pollination.
Developers: Ana I. Vazquez & Douglas M. Bates.
Contributors: Paulino Perez-Rodriguez & Gustavo de los Campos.
###Installing pedigreeR from GitHub
#R functions related to pedigrees
install.packages(pkg='devtools',repos='') #1# install devtools
library(devtools) #2# load the library
install_git('') #3# install pedigreeR from GitHub