A simple NodeJs REST API server written in TypeScript
In this Repo I'm following a blog series I've found on TopTal (https://www.toptal.com/express-js/nodejs-typescript-rest-api-pt-1) to master TypeScript and NodeJs.
The idea is to build my own NodeJs template for build services and reuse it to have the boilerplate code.
From the terminal
yarn start
Go to http://localhost:3000
From the terminal
yarn debug
From VSCode
Go to the Debug & Run
section, set a break point on the code and click on Launch Program
First, you need to have installed Thunder-Client extension at: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=rangav.vscode-thunder-client
Then just import the collection and environment in your Thunder-Client:
thunder-client/thunder-collection_APIs Tests.json
thunder-client/thunder-environment_Test Envs Variables.json
You'll get in your client sample API requests that you can call against the server to test the response.