Add cool decorations to your Discord avatar with ease!
OTTER is a simple tool that allows you to enhance your Discord avatar with delightful decorations.
CLI is written in Rust btw 🦀
You can quickly install OTTER using the following command:
curl | bash
You can install it from Cargo (NOT RECOMMENDED) by -
cargo install otter_dc
This will install by the binary name otter_dc
so it's preffered to use the install script provided
otter --input <input> --decoration <decoration> --output <output>
Option | Description | Short Flag | Long Flag |
Input Avatar | Specify the input avatar image | -i |
--input |
Decoration | Choose a decoration image | -d |
--decoration |
Output Path | Set the output image path | -o |
--output |
Help | Print help information | -h |
--help |
Version | Print version information | -V |
--version |
You can download a variety of decorations from our decoration library at
- Add a festive hat to your avatar:
otter -i myavatar.png -d holiday_hat.png -o festive_avatar.gif
- View available commands:
otter --help
Thanks :)