Implementation of stabilizer codes in pyQuil
CS269Q Spring 2018-19 course project
Authors: Shubham Chandak, Jay Mardia, Meltem Tolunay
Instructor: Will Zeng
Follow instructions to install qvm and quilc from Then just run
git clone
to download the code.
The stabilizer codes are defined here in terms of the stabilizer generator matrix and the error correction capabilities of the code. The error correction capability is defined in terms of a dictionary mapping the error type to the number of such errors the code can correct. Currently supported error types are X, Y, Z on single qubits and a combination of X and Z on different qubits. Some examples of stabilizer codes along with the parameters are provided in
Given a stabilizer code representation my_stabilizer_code
in the format as described above, run the following
import stabilizer_code
code = stabilizer_code.StabilizerCode(my_stabilizer_code)
Then code.encoding_program
and code.decoding_program
are the encoding and decoding programs, respectively.
First run qvm -S
and quilc -S
before running any tests.
Several standard stabilizer matrices are defined in
To run basic tests (bit flip, phase flip etc. with different initial states) for
all codes in above file, run
To run basic tests for a specific code, run with the name of the code, e.g.,
python3 bit_flip_code
First run qvm -S
and quilc -S
before running any tests.
Then run the function
after changing the parameters in the main appropriately (examples provided in the code).
First run qvm -S
and quilc -S
before running any tests.
Then run the function PlotCodeRateVsErrRate
with appropriate arguments (examples provided in the code)