tips: if you try to use wechaty web version, you will be know it can't work, so this post show you how to use ipad version to make bot work, if you never use wechaty any version, this post also pass the web version, because it's pointless.
cps-bot is a wechat bot that using wechaty to solve a lot of transfer and push work in the cps.
Before development, we need to clarify the requirements, that is, what do I need a robot to do cps-bot just need to automatically pass friend verification, send and receive messages so let's take a look at wechaty document
1.Automatically pass friend verification
- When someone adds a robot, pass or directly pass after judging the keyword of the verification message After verification, automatically reply and introduce the robot function
2.Reply to product link (JD)
First of all, the wechaty-puppet-padplus version used here will be very slow to install for the first time, because the installation package contains puppeter, I have also tried it successfully two or three times, and the QR code will appear after success If the scan code returns null (bug), close and run again
$ mkdir bot & cd ./bot
$ npm init -y
Then we install the dependency packages needed by the project
$ npm install --save wechaty
$ npm install --save wechaty-puppet-padplus
$ npm install --save qrcode-terminal
The preparatory work is done
Write code according to needs,My file structure directory is like this:
- src
- config.js
- index.js
- onFriendship.js // Friends add monitoring callback
- onMessage.js // Message listening callback
- onScan.js // monitor the callback when scanning the QR code
put our configuration params
module.exports = {
// puppet_padplus Token
token: "puppet_padplus_xxxx",
// bot name
name: "Zeng",
* wechaty-puppet-padplus index
const { Wechaty } = require("wechaty")
const { PuppetPadplus } = require("wechaty-puppet-padplus")
const config = require("./config")
const onScan = require("./onScan") // monitor the callback when scanning the QR code
const onMessage = require("./onMessage") // Message listening callback
const onFriendShip = require("./onFriendShip") // Friends add monitoring callback
// init
const bot = new Wechaty({
puppet: new PuppetPadplus({
token: config.token
.on("scan", onScan)
.on("message", onMessage(bot))
.on("friendship", onFriendShip)
Friends add monitoring callback
* Friends add monitoring callback
const { Friendship } = require("wechaty")
const config = require("./config")
// Friends add verification message to automatically agree to keywords
const addFriendKeyword = "cps" //if need more , use array
// Friends add monitoring callback
module.exports = async function onFriendShip(friendship) {
let logMsg
try {
logMsg = "add friend" +
switch (friendship.type()) {
* step 1 New friend request
* to use 'request.hello()'' to get verification message
* Accept this request via 'request.accept ()'
case Friendship.Type.Receive:
if (addFriendKeyword == friendship.hello()) {
logMsg = `Pass verification automatically`
await friendship.accept()
} else {
logMsg = "Not automatically passed because the verification message is: " + friendship.hello()
* step 2 confirm
case Friendship.Type.Confirm:
logMsg = "friend ship confirmed with " +
} catch (e) {
logMsg = e.message
* Message listening callback
const { Message } = require("wechaty")
// node-request
const request = require("request")
const urlencode = require("urlencode")
const config = require("./config")
// bot name
const name =
// Message listening callback
module.exports = bot => {
return async function onMessage(msg) {
// Judging that the message came from yourself, do not care, return
if (msg.self()) return
console.log(`msg : ${msg}`)
`from: ${msg.from() ? msg.from().name() : null}: ${
msg.from() ? msg.from().id : null
console.log(`to: ${}`)
console.log(`text: ${msg.text()}`)
// Determine if this message type is text
if (msg.type() == Message.Type.Text) {
// request your api
let res = await requestApi(msg.text())
// return content
await msg.say(res)
} else {
console.log("The message is not text!")
* Request an interface and return the message to the user
* @param {String} info sent content
* @return {Promise} Corresponding content
function requestApi(info) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let url = ``, {form:{content:info}},(error, response, body) => {
let res = JSON.parse(body)
if (!error && res.code == 0) {
let send =
console.log('res', res)
} else {
resolve("Server is busy")
}).then().catch( function(e){
//do some thing
* monitor the callback when scanning the QR code
const Qrterminal = require("qrcode-terminal")
module.exports = function onScan(qrcode, status) {
Qrterminal.generate(qrcode, { small: true })
set up your startup script in 'package.json'
"scripts": {
"start": "node ./src/index.js"
then run
$ npm run start