A Flutter plugin to get the downloads folder directory on Android and iOS device. Besides, on Android device you can get the other directories too (Movies, Pictures, DCIM,...).
Simply import the lecle_downloads_path_provider package on pub.dev or with the syntax below under dependencies in pubspec.yaml file and run flutter command flutter pub get in terminal
lecle_downloads_path_provider: <latest version>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
to your AndroidManifest.xml
import 'package:lecle_downloads_path_provider/lecle_downloads_path_provider.dart';
If you want to get the different directory path (default type is Downloads directory)
import 'package:lecle_downloads_path_provider/constants/downloads_directory_type.dart';
Default use
Directory? downloadsDirectory = await DownloadsPath.downloadsDirectory();
String? downloadsDirectoryPath = (await DownloadsPath.downloadsDirectory())?.path;
With custom directory type
var dirType = DownloadDirectoryTypes.dcim;
Directory? downloadsDirectory = await DownloadsPath.downloadsDirectory(dirType: dirPath);
String? downloadsDirectoryPath = (await DownloadsPath.downloadsDirectory(dirType: dirPath))?.path