Nagios/Icinga2 plugin to check the version of a running Mattermost instance for available updates.
The currently runnung version is determined by the "X-Version-Id" HTTP header sent by Mattermost. Available updates are determined from release branches of the public Mattermost Community Edition server Git repository at GitHub:
- POSIX shell environment
- Git
/* Check Mattermost version
object CheckCommand "mattermost" {
import "plugin-check-command"
command = [ PluginDir + "/check_mattermost" ]
arguments = {
"-u" = {
value = "$mattermost_url$"
description = "URL to the Mattermost instance."
"-p" = {
set_if = "$mattermost_patch$"
description = "Warn on patch version updates."
/* Check Mattermost version
apply Service "mattermost-version" {
check_command = "mattermost"
// Mattermost minor versions change once a month. So it should be
// sufficient to check once a day only.
check_interval = 24h
display_name = "Mattermost version"
notes = "Checks Mattermost version for available updates."
// Service variables from host definition.
vars.mattermost_url = host.vars.mattermost_url
if ( host.vars.mattermost_patch ) {
vars.mattermost_patch = host.vars.mattermost_patch
// Application rules.
assign where = NodeName && host.vars.mattermost_url
object Host "" {
// Other settings.
vars.mattermost_url = ""
vars.mattermost_patch = true
The script requires the URL to the Mattermost instance to check.
Usage: check_mattermost [-u <url>] [-p|--patch] [-h|--help] [-V|--version]
-u <url> URL to the Mattermost instance.
-p / --patch Warn on patch version updates. This also checks
patch version tags, but may cause false warnings,
as patch versions are not always properly included
in Mattermost release version strings.
-h / --help Display help.
-V / --version Display version.