This project provide a facilator class to run a query on mulitple database asynchronously. It is based on Amphp and its mysql client.
AsyncClient: This class is responsible for run orchestrate the queries on each database and aggregate the results set to create the final result.
AsyncMysqlReader: this class run the query on the given database and return the result as array to its client class.
require "vendor/autoload.php";
require_once "Model/AsyncDummy.php";
require_once "Model/AsyncClient.php";
use Amp\Loop;
use Model\AsyncClient;
$async_client = new AsyncClient();
$async_client->addConnection("temp","", "root", "123456");
$async_client->addConnection("temp1","", "root", "123456");
$t = $async_client->fetch("select * from Person",[]);