My dotfiles for the macOS, very much based upon other people's works.
- This is my dotfiles repository; its settings are based upon great pioneers found in the GitHub community and elsewhere on the internet.
- Please note that my dotfiles are still incomplete; please use them at your own risk.
- First of all, I would suggest consulting the setups by great hackers listed in the Acknowledgements section below.
- However, please feel free to browse my settings :-)
- Any suggestions are welcomed.
- Vim (usable; more work needed)
- Bash (usable; more work needed)
- Git (usable; more work needed)
- tmux (usable; more work needed)
- Mutt (very incomplete)
- Newsboat, a fork of Newsbeuter (very incomplete)
- Emacs (very incomplete)
- Vim:
- Work on cross-platform settings
- For Linux
- For Windows
- Refactor:
- Modularise the
file by its roles
- Modularise the
- Work on cross-platform settings
- Bash:
- Modularise what's in the
file to multiple files
- Modularise what's in the
- Git:
- Improve
- Improve
- Improve
- Miscellaneous:
- Write an installation script does the setting jobs
Inspiration and code were taken from many sources, including:
- @mathiasbynens (Mathias Bynens) and his dotfiles repository;
- @chibicode (Shusaku Uesugi) and his dotfiles repository (No longer maintained);
- @sjl (Steve Losh) and his dotfiles repository (maintained using Mercurial, hosted on Bitbucket);
- @paulirish (Paul Irish) and his dotfiles repository;
- @paulmillr (Paul Miller) and his dotfiles repository;
- @alrra (Cătălin Mariș) and his dotfiles repository;
- @b4b4r07 (babarot) and his dotfiles repository; and
- more people to be added and explicitly described how helpful their settings were to configure my files.
Copyright (c) 2018 Shoichi AIZAWA
Licensed under the MIT license.