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Marc Gurreri edited this page Jun 12, 2018 · 2 revisions

Msploitego, The Pentesting Suite for Maltego

Msploitego(Metasploitego) is designed to deliver granularity to Pentesting tasks while visualizing the results. The objective is to have a single pallete for a number of tools which feed on eachother's results.

This application is based on the Metasploit Framework connecting directly to Metasploit's Postgres database. Also, you can use an exported xml file from Metasploit however expect performance issues. The xml export file is missing a lot of data that the database has, so it's highly recommended to use the Postgres connection.

  • Currently provides over 150 entities
  • 55+ transforms
  • more & more coming
Transform Input Entity Data Source Description
Postgres msf Hosts Postgresql DB Postgres Enumerates hosts in the database
Postgres Services IPV4 Address Postgres Services in database for host
Enum Web Pages IPV4 Address Postgres forms and pages in the database
Enum Vulns IPV4 Address Postgres vulnerabilities in the database
Enum Credentials Postgresql DB Postgres Retrieve credentials gathered in the msf db
Comprimised Host Sessions Postgresql DB Postgres Detailed session information from post-exploitation
Session details Meterpreter Session Postgres Load details of actions on comprimised host session
Postgres Loot IPv4 Address Postgres retrieves any loot stored in the database
MetasploitDB MetasploitDBXMLFile XML file Enumerates hosts in the export file
Enum Metasploit Services IPV4 Address XML file Enumerates services in the export file
Enum Metasploit Services IPV4 Address XML file Enumerates services in the export file
Enum Forms and Webpages IPV4 Address XML file forms and pages in the export file
Enum Vulnerabilities IPV4 Address XML file vulnerabilities in the export file
Apache Vuln Scan Apache http service Run NSE vuln scripts against target
CSRF Vuln Scan Web Service Scan site for potential CSRF Vulnerabilities
HTTP Enum Directories Web Service nmap Enumerate directories on webserver
HTTP Secure Headers Web Service nmap HTTP response headers related to security given in OWASP Secure Headers
PHP XSS Vuln Scan Web Service nmap checks site for XSS vulnerabilities
HTTP vuln scan[full] Web Service nmap runs all NSE vuln scripts against the host/port
Web Site Comments Website nmap scans website for source code comments
Robots.txt Website nmap Look for Robots.txt file and reads it
Nikto Parser Web Service nikto takes the 'Nikto file' property and parses the file into entities
SMB Vuln Scan Samba Service nmap Scan for SMB Vulns
Samba Enum Services Samba Service nmap enumerate samba services
Samba Enum Shares Samba Service nmap enumerate samba shares
Samba Enum Users Samba Service nmap enumerate samba users
Samba Master Browsers Samba Service nmap enumerate samba browsers
Samba Share Listing Samba Share python enumerate samba browsers
Samba File Retrieval Samba File python fetch a file on a samba server
SMB Scan Samba Server python enumerate Samba Server broken
SMB Scan samba Service python scan to get details for further enumeration broken
SMTP Scan smtp Service nmap Scan smtp service
IMAP Scan imap Service nmap Scan for capabilities and ntlm info
SSH Scan ssh Service nmap Scan for ssh service
rdp Vuln Scan rdp Service nmap Scan for rdp service
FTP Vuln Scan ftp service nmap scans ftp service for vulnerabilities
Pop Scan ftp service nmap scans pop service
DNS NS Id DNS Service nmap Retrieves information from a DNS nameserver by requesting its nameserver ID
RPC Enum RPC service nmap attempt to Enumerate rpc services
Exploit Query Vulnerability Metasploit Framework query Metasploit for relevant exploits
Get Web File Web URL wget attempts to retrieve a file ina web directory
To False Positive Metasploit Module conversion mark a suggested vuln attack as false positive
To Checked Metasploit Module conversion mark a suggested vuln attack as investigated
To Hacked Metasploit Module conversion mark a suggested vuln attack as hacked
To Vulnerable Metasploit Module conversion mark a suggested vuln attack confirming vulnerability
To URL[from Nikto Detail] Nikto Detail conversion creates a URL entity
To Web File[from Nikto Detail] Nikto Detail conversion creates a Web File entity
To URL[from Web Dir] Web Directory conversion creates a URL entity
To Website[from Web Service] Web Service conversion creates a Web Service entity

Known Issues

  • some Metasploit enitities like loot files sometimes contain a bad character which the MaltegoTransform class cannot process. This causes an exception and nothing returned. I've beaten my head against the wall trying to 'cleanse'/decode the data but to no avail.
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