This project is based on the dataset available at which is composed of about 20k tweets to train sentiment predictors.
The "TweetsSentimentPredictions.ipynb" notebook will guide you through the process of tweets cleaning (a very basic NLP task when dealing with text data), training a few Deep Learning models with different architectures and doing some sample predictions.
Step 1 -> git clone
Step 2-> Change the current working directory to the cloned repository's directory
Step 3 -> docker build -t flaskapp .
Step 4 -> docker run -p 8000:8000 flaskapp
Step 1 -> git clone
Step 2 -> Install the following python libraries :-
numpy==1.19.2 or later
tensorflow==2.3.0 or later
Keras ==2.4.3 or later
Flask ==1.1.2 or later
Step 3-> Change the current working directory to the cloned repository's directory
Step 4-> python