Releases: shiroamada/ultrasms-laravel-notification
Releases · shiroamada/ultrasms-laravel-notification
added support + for malaysia mode
added support + for malaysia mode
added support + for malaysia mode
add an on off to easy disable it
v1.0.8 add on off for the services
add a on off to easy disable it
v2.0.1 upgrade to support Laravel 9 and 10
Support Laravel 9 and 10
Support Laravel 9 and 10
update composer.json
upgrade to 7.3 guzzlehttp
clean the recipient number extra space and -
v1.0.6 clean the recipient with - and space
fix bug
v1.0.5 fix bug for the parameter from body to mesg
Added MalaysiaMode for Malaysia Number Use case
Added MalaysiaMode for Malaysia Number Use case
to Enable go to .env add below
by default is disabled.
v1.0.3 added send debug mode
Added isDebug option
by default debug is disable, so everything will be same like previous.