Simple stopwatch angular plugin to track timing
This plugins gives you a service stopwatch
to create instances of a stopwatch object
bower install ngStopwatch
import in your module
angular.module('MyApp', ['ngStopwatch'])
- Import the service where you need to use
.controller 'MyCtrl', ['stopwatch'], (stopwatch)->
timer = stopwatch.create() # starts automatically
for item in itens
# doSomething...
console.log timer.lap() # ellapsed time since last lap (or timer start)
console.log timer.current # current ellapsed time (since start + all laps)
# you can start the same timer again
# will start again, but ignores ellapsed time while stopped
# (as a stopwatch should do)
# will reset ellapsed time and laps but keeps the current state
# from the timer (doesn't stop/start the timer, only reset tracked
# time and laps)
service 'stopwatch'
- create
creates an instance of the service
timer = stopwatch.create()
created instance 'stopwatch.create(options)'
instance = {
name: "timer#{idController}" ||
created: new Date().getTime()
current: 0
stopped: null
laps: []
currentLap: 0
lastLap: null
refreshRate: 100 || options.refreshRate # changes current and currentLap values
running: false
autoRefresh: true || options.autoRefresh # ignores refresh for current and currentLap
- timer.start() - Start the timer
- timer.stop() - Stop the timer
- timer.lap() - creates a lap based on the currentLap and lastLap time
- timer.reset() - reset laps, current, currentLap values (keep current running state)