Single page application (SPA) demo built with ASP.NET Web API 2 and AngularJS.
- EF 6 Code First
- AutoMapper
- Autofac
- AngularJS
- Semantic UI
- Gulp.js
- Jasmine
- Build the solution to install Nuget packages.(This will automatically restore Nuget packages. Please ensure you have Nuget version 2.7 or higher)
- The Project ResourceMetada.API is configured to run using IIS Express.
- Before starting the Client Application (ResourceMetadata.Web), please ensure that the API project is running in IIS or IIS express.
- Config.js file at source/ResourceMetadata/ResourceMetadata.Web/Scripts/config.js holds the api url used by the Client application. Update this file to change the api url appropriately.
- If you haven't installed Node.js, download and install it from
- Navigate to the directory of ResourceMetadata.Web project source/ResourceMetadata/ResourceMetadata.Web/ in command prompt.
- Run command npm install
- Execute gulp tasks
- Run command gulp build.
- In order to clean the destination files created by build task, run gulp cleanbuild.
- To run unit tests, run the command gulp tests