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Q: Is the code/contract expected to comply with any EIPs? Are there specific assumptions around adhering to those EIPs that Watsons should be aware of?
expected to comply with any EIPs
- Centralization Risk: The administration holds excessive authority, with roles such as FundingRateKeeper, JOJO operation, valid orderSender, emergency oracle owner, and insurance account, all utilizing multi-sig protocols.
- Incompatibility with Deflationary Tokens: The primary and secondary assets are standard ERC20 tokens. 3.Low-level Call: Regarding the execution of Subaccount operations.
- Unused Contract: During delisting, the oracle will be replaced to anchor the price at a fixed value.
- Missing Zero Address Validation: Zero address validation is absent in Subaccount#owner, ChainlinkAdaptor#_chainlink,FundingRateUpdateLimiter#dealer, etc.
- Removal of 'Perpetual': Delisting the perpetual is the standard procedure.
- Reliability of Price: Ensuring the reliability of price data.
- Third Party Dependencies: Potential failures of the Chainlink Oracle.
- Potential Reentrancy Attack: a. _settle() after 'IDealer(owner()).requestLiquidation'. b. Change of 'secondaryCredit' after 'IERC20(state.primaryAsset).safeTransfer(to, primaryAmount);' in funding.sol. c. Change of secondaryAsset after 'IDecimalERC20(_secondaryAsset).decimals()' in Operation.sol.
- Open positions are discarded if 'Perpetual' is deregistered, only when no position is held.
- Signature can be replayed: Backend will add nonce to the order type to prevent replay attacks.
- Address Poisoning Attack: Caused by users' incorrect address copying, and the team cannot provide assistance in such cases.
- DOS attack possible for trading: a. Only valid msg.sender can call approveTrade. If there are too many orders that cannot be matched, they will be divided into multiple transactions. b. _realizePnl function loops over an unbounded array within the openPositions mapping, but there is a limit on the number of registered perpetuals to avoid reaching the block gas limit.
- setOperator function is missing the onlyOwner modifier: This function is designed for users to set their own operator, so no need for the onlyOwner modifier.
- Did not Approve to zero first (USDT, we only use USDC in JUSDBank system).
- Collateral Token is a standard ERC20 token.
- FlashloanRepay, FlashloanLiquidate, GeneralRepay aare only implemented for functional purposes, regardless of accidental transfers by users.
- JUSD system operates under a cross-margin mode, where appreciated collateral can be obtained during the liquidation process if users are not safe. 19.Asset losses of less than 1e-3 USDC due to precision loss are not considered.
Q: Are there any off-chain mechanisms or off-chain procedures for the protocol (keeper bots, input validation expectations, etc)?
JOJO is a decentralized perpetual contract exchange based on an off-chain matching system. There are more details in here: https://jojo-docs.netlify.app/
JOJO is especially interested in losses/malfunctioning related to MEV.
Q: In case of external protocol integrations, are the risks of external contracts pausing or executing an emergency withdrawal acceptable? If not, Watsons will submit issues related to these situations that can harm your protocol's functionality.
We use Chainlink and Uniswap as oracle price source. If the oracle is pausing, we still have emergency oracle so that do not worry about it. Chainlink Oracle Failed.
smart-contract-EVM @ 4a95a8e9a6367ae88dc827e29467229cb5bbad4f
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/adaptor/chainlinkAdaptor.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/adaptor/constOracle.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/adaptor/emergencyOracle.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/adaptor/uniswapPriceAdaptor.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/fundingRateKeeper/FundingRateUpdateLimiter.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/impl/JOJODealer.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/impl/JOJOExternal.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/impl/JOJOOperation.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/impl/JOJOStorage.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/impl/JOJOView.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/impl/Perpetual.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/intf/IDealer.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/intf/IDecimalERC20.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/intf/IMarkPriceSource.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/intf/IPerpetual.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/lib/EIP712.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/lib/Funding.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/lib/Liquidation.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/lib/Operation.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/lib/Position.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/lib/Trading.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/lib/Types.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/stableCoin/DepositStableCoinToDealer.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/subaccount/Subaccount.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/subaccount/SubaccountFactory.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/utils/Errors.sol
- smart-contract-EVM/contracts/utils/SignedDecimalMath.sol
JUSDV1 @ 011e10d36257a404c8c1d7d2b8c9f01a2b7a1969
- JUSDV1/src/Impl/JUSDBank.sol
- JUSDV1/src/Impl/JUSDBankStorage.sol
- JUSDV1/src/Impl/JUSDExchange.sol
- JUSDV1/src/Impl/JUSDMulticall.sol
- JUSDV1/src/Impl/JUSDOperation.sol
- JUSDV1/src/Impl/JUSDView.sol
- JUSDV1/src/Impl/flashloanImpl/FlashLoanLiquidate.sol
- JUSDV1/src/Impl/flashloanImpl/FlashLoanRepay.sol
- JUSDV1/src/Impl/flashloanImpl/GeneralRepay.sol
- JUSDV1/src/Interface/IChainLinkAggregator.sol
- JUSDV1/src/Interface/IFlashLoanReceive.sol
- JUSDV1/src/Interface/IJUSDBank.sol
- JUSDV1/src/Interface/IJUSDExchange.sol
- JUSDV1/src/Interface/IPriceChainLink.sol
- JUSDV1/src/Interface/IWETH.sol
- JUSDV1/src/lib/DataTypes.sol
- JUSDV1/src/lib/DecimalMath.sol
- JUSDV1/src/lib/JOJOConstant.sol
- JUSDV1/src/oracle/EmergencyOracle.sol
- JUSDV1/src/oracle/JOJOOracleAdaptor.sol
- JUSDV1/src/oracle/UniswapPriceAdaptor.sol
- JUSDV1/src/token/JUSD.sol
- JUSDV1/src/utils/FlashLoanReentrancyGuard.sol
- JUSDV1/src/utils/JUSDError.sol