Setup a (simple?) redundant Docker swarm in a hybrid cloud config
You will need 3 of these. One in AWS (dm01) and the other 2 on the local hosts (dm02 and dm03)
You will need 6 of these (de01-6) spread across the 2 local hosts
On dm01, setup the swarm
other stuff
- create a github repo for your Docker image. The Dockerfile goes gere along with instructions on how to actually use the Docker image
- create a Docker hub account and link it to github
- link the github repo to Docker hub. This will let you automagically recreate your image file whenever there is an update (yay?)
- go install RancherOS on VMware
- build/configure the system that will run Docker Engine
automated docker image build instructions
Create a Docker Parent Image from scratch
Minio is an open source object storage server with Amazon S3 compatible API