The TeamCity puppet module downloads and installs the latest version of TeamCity. Also allows plugins to be installed.
Tested on CentOS 6.x.
class { 'oraclejava::jdk7_rpm': }
class { 'teamcity::server':
require => Class['oraclejava::jdk7_rpm'],
class { 'teamcity::server::plugin':
plugin_url => '',
plugin_zip_file => '',
require => Class['teamcity::server'],
This stanza does not include a default build agent; see below. Memory options are configured to be the production values, so you'll need around 750 MiB for the server's runtime.
When installing the agent, you first need a TeamCity server up and running, I
run mine at the A-name 'tc'. This is in the defaults of teamcity::agent
, so if
you have a different name for your TeamCity server, I suggest you override it in
Besides, that, here's a sample configuration profile that uses the TeamCity Agent class:
class { 'oraclejava::jdk7_rpm': }
class { 'teamcity::agent':
require => Class['oraclejava::jdk7_rpm'],
Install via an http proxy and configure port, directories etc
class { 'oraclejava::jdk7_rpm':
download_url => '',
wget_opts => "-e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy= -e https_proxy=",
class { 'teamcity::server':
team_city_version => '8.1.4',
data_dir => '/data/teamcity-server',
plugin_dir => '/data/teamcity-server/plugins'
db_type => 'mysql',
port => '8000',
address => '',
wget_opts => "-e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy=",
http_proxy_host => '',
http_proxy_port => '3128',
https_proxy_host => '',
https_proxy_port => '3128',
require => Class['oraclejava::jdk7_rpm'],
class { 'teamcity::server::plugin':
plugin_url => '',
plugin_zip_file => '',
wget_opts => "-e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy= -e https_proxy=",
require => Class['teamcity::server'],
It's worth noting that if you change the folders in the agent-class to be outside of their default you're going to have to hack Catalina and a range of other software you haven't touched before, to make it work. Simply, I couldn't, despite spending about 3 hours on it, so just go with the default folders.
You'll need about 400 MiB minimum for each agent you want to run on a node.