- Program Notes
- GitHub Repository for API Umbrella, the underlying technology of
To edit this site, edit the Master
branch. Changes should take effect within minutes.
The website content for api.data.gov built with Middleman.
All contributions are welcome. To submit a change, fork this repo, commit your changes, and send us a pull request.
Ruby 1.9+ is required to build the site.
$ git submodule update --init --recursive # Make sure to pull in git submodules
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install --binstubs
The content files to edit are in ./source
. You can view your changes as you make them by running the Middleman preview server:
$ ./bin/middleman server
This will start a local web server running at http://localhost:4567/
After you're happy with your changes, commit and submit a pull request.
To publish to production with GitHub Pages:
$ ./bin/rake publish