- download Desktop Installer.exe and then follow link
once installation is complete then setting --> Kubernates --> Enable Kubernate checkbox --> Apply and restart
in the springboot application to create an image first step is to create a file Dockerfile and add below code into it.
FROM openjdk:17
ADD target/springbootWelcomeProject.jar springbootWelcomeProject.jar
ENTRYPOINT [ "java", "-jar","/springbootWelcomeProject.jar" ]
Next is to build our project into Kubernetes cluster
go to the project root directory and then buid the project , and provide image name and version
- > docker build -t projectwelcome:1.0 .
similarly install minikube on windows and once installtion is complete, we want docker to be executed inside minicube.
- minikube
- Kubectl
below command is to run the docker image inside Kubernate.
- minikube start --driver=docker
Next create Kubernetes service object and deployment object so that we can access it from outer world.
here we are providing the deployment obj name and the port NO
- kubectl create deployment springbootwelcome-deployment --image=projectwelcome:1.0 --port=8080
- kubectl get deployment
to get more info about deployment do describe method
- Kubectl describe deployment springbootwelcome-deployment
to get pod details on which springboot application is up from the deployment
- kubectl get pods
to check the logs of the application
- kubectl logs springbootwelcome-deployment-985968694-hf5gx
Next we need to create a service so that it can be accessed outside of the world
- kubectl get service
- kubectl expose deployment springbootwelcome-deployment --type=NodePort
service/springbootwelcome-deployment exposed
- kubectl get service
- minikube service springbootwelcome-deployment --url
Gives us response back by running above URL on web
to remove existing image , here a7daf591c0dd is image id
- docker image rm a7daf591c0dd
Delete existing deployment in the kubectl cluster.
- kubectl delete deployment --all --all-namespaces=true
- Add other componets like MySQL into the peoject and find best way to handle using Containerization.
- Add DAO and implementation layer in the project
- Add spring web capabilities like security and transaction modules.