This library is the date picker for nepali calendar. To use import the library as
import React from 'react';
import Calendar from 'react-native-nepali-date-picker'
const App = () => (
// defaultDateTimeValue
value={new Date()} // default value
visibility={true} // set the visibilty of the component
onSelect={v => console.log(v)} // on each select by the user to a certain date
onCancel={v => console.log(v)} // on press cancel thought not required
//as user can handle is still can be useful as it gives you back the value you pass to it
onChange={v => console.log(v)} // on press ok
The resulting value v for each function call back has property as:
- getYear(): gives year in number
- getMonth(): gives Month in number
- getDate(): gives the date in number