Solutions to the "programming projects" in Robert Lafore's Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (2nd Edition)
As a self-taught programmer without a degree in computer science, I figured the best way to demonstrate my comprehension of the books I've read is to complete all their exercises. Because these are all throwaway exercises, the source files are not organized into any kind of package. All dependencies between source files are mentioned in comments at the beginning of the appropriate file.
If you find this repository because you are struggling with the book's programming projects, I hope my version of the solutions will benefit you. If you are using the book for a class, please use these solutions only as guidance and do not copy-paste any of them for coursework. I've found that if I've reached a dead-end in my reasoning and can't get the correct output, the best thing to do is to come back to the problem several hours later or the next day with a clear head.