Web app login auth created using Node.js and Passport
App Preview: https://app-node-auth.herokuapp.com/
clone the repository and place it into a folder you want to work in.
Make sure to have node installed: https://nodejs.org/ along with mongodb: https://www.mongodb.com/
make sure you can run npm from your command line and have the mongo database running
Once you download the files for this repository cd into their location and run the following command on the root file:
npm install
this will install all of the packages needed to run the project
to run server use:
node app
or if you have nodemon installed you can run:
nodemon app
you can install nodemon with
npm install -g nodemon --save-dev
once the website is running on your local server it should be located at
In the config folder create a file named 'dev.js'
Then place your google dev and facebook dev keys in the code like so:
module.exports= {
googleClientID: 'clientID',
googleClientSecret: 'secret',
facebookClientID: 'clientID',
facebookClientSecret: 'secret',
mongoURI: 'ADD_the_mongoDB_URL_here'
if you are using mongo on your localhost:27017 for the mongoURI field you can use:
make sure to create OAuth client keys and place proper OAuth redirect URI's inside of the google and facebook developer websites
for example facebooks Valid OAuth redirect URIs should look something like:
for google it has two which should be:
Authorized JavaScript origins
Authorized redirect URIs