To install the PHP client library using Composer:
composer require shafimsp/laravel-sms-notification-channel-mobilyws-driver
The package will automatically register itself.
MobilyWs is API based driver, this require the Guzzle HTTP library, which may be installed via the Composer package manager:
composer require composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle
To use the MobilyWs driver, first install Guzzle, then set the driver option in your config/services.php configuration file to mobilyws. Next, verify that your config/services.php configuration file contains the following options:
'mobilyws' => [
// Set yor login credentials to communicate with Api
'mobile' => env('MOBILYWS_KEY', ''),
'password' => env('MOBILYWS_KEY', ''),
// Or use the generated apiKey from your account
'key' => env('MOBILYWS_KEY', ''),
'sms_from' => env('MOBILYWS_SMS_FROM', ''),
// Required by Don't Change.
'applicationType' => 68,
// Authentication mode. possible values: api, password, or auto
'authentication' => 'auto',
// 3 when using UTF-8. Don't Change
'lang' => '3',
| Define options for the Http request. (Guzzle http client options)
| You do not need to change any of these settings.
'guzzle' => [
'client' => [
// The Base Uri of the Api. Don't Change this Value.
'base_uri' => '',
// Request Options.
'request' => [
'http_errors' => true,
// For debugging
'debug' => false,
MobilyWs SMS Notification Driver is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.