- The fastest and most convenient conversion between JSON and model
- 世界上转换速度最快、使用最简单方便的字典转模型框架
- MJExtension是一套
的超轻量级框架 - MJExtension能完成的功能
字典数组(JSON Array)
-->模型数组(Model Array)
模型数组(Model Array)
-->字典数组(JSON Array)
- 详尽用法主要参考 main.m中的各个函数 以及
- 转换速率:
- 最近一次测试表明:
- 各位开发者也可以自行测试
- 最近一次测试表明:
- 具体用法:
- cocoapods导入:
pod 'MJExtension'
- 手动导入:
- 将
文件夹中的所有源代码拽入项目中 - 导入主头文件:
#import "MJExtension.h"
- 将
MJConst.h MJConst.m
MJFoundation.h MJFoundation.m
MJIvar.h MJIvar.m
MJType.h MJType.m
NSObject+MJCoding.h NSObject+MJCoding.m
NSObject+MJIvar.h NSObject+MJIvar.m
NSObject+MJKeyValue.h NSObject+MJKeyValue.m
typedef enum {
} Sex;
@interface User : NSObject
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *name;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *icon;
@property (assign, nonatomic) int age;
@property (assign, nonatomic) double height;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSNumber *money;
@property (assign, nonatomic) Sex sex;
NSDictionary *dict = @{
@"name" : @"Jack",
@"icon" : @"lufy.png",
@"age" : @20,
@"height" : @"1.55",
@"money" : @100.9,
@"sex" : @(SexFemale)
// 将字典转为User模型
User *user = [User objectWithKeyValues:dict];
NSLog(@"name=%@, icon=%@, age=%d, height=%@, money=%@, sex=%d",
user.name, user.icon, user.age, user.height, user.money, user.sex);
// name=Jack, icon=lufy.png, age=20, height=1.550000, money=100.9, sex=1
[User objectWithKeyValues:dict]
@interface Status : NSObject
/** 微博文本内容 */
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *text;
/** 微博作者 */
@property (strong, nonatomic) User *user;
/** 转发的微博 */
@property (strong, nonatomic) Status *retweetedStatus;
NSDictionary *dict = @{
@"text" : @"是啊,今天天气确实不错!",
@"user" : @{
@"name" : @"Jack",
@"icon" : @"lufy.png"
@"retweetedStatus" : @{
@"text" : @"今天天气真不错!",
@"user" : @{
@"name" : @"Rose",
@"icon" : @"nami.png"
// 将字典转为Status模型
Status *status = [Status objectWithKeyValues:dict];
NSString *text = status.text;
NSString *name = status.user.name;
NSString *icon = status.user.icon;
NSLog(@"text=%@, name=%@, icon=%@", text, name, icon);
// text=是啊,今天天气确实不错!, name=Jack, icon=lufy.png
NSString *text2 = status.retweetedStatus.text;
NSString *name2 = status.retweetedStatus.user.name;
NSString *icon2 = status.retweetedStatus.user.icon;
NSLog(@"text2=%@, name2=%@, icon2=%@", text2, name2, icon2);
// text2=今天天气真不错!, name2=Rose, icon2=nami.png
[Status objectWithKeyValues:dict]
@interface Ad : NSObject
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *image;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *url;
@interface StatusResult : NSObject
/** 存放着一堆的微博数据(里面都是Status模型) */
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *statuses;
/** 存放着一堆的广告数据(里面都是Ad模型) */
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray *ads;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSNumber *totalNumber;
@implementation StatusResult
// 实现这个方法的目的:告诉MJExtension框架statuses和ads数组里面装的是什么模型
+ (NSDictionary *)objectClassInArray
return @{
@"statuses" : [Status class],
@"ads" : [Ad class]
+ (Class)objectClassInArray:(NSString *)propertyName
if ([propertyName isEqualToString:@"statuses"]) {
return [Status class];
} else if ([propertyName isEqualToString:@"ads"]) {
return [Ad class];
return nil;
// 这个方法对比上面的2个方法更加没有侵入性和污染,因为不需要导入Status和Ad的头文件
+ (NSDictionary *)objectClassInArray
return @{
@"statuses" : @"Status",
@"ads" : @"Ad"
NSDictionary *dict = @{
@"statuses" : @[
@"text" : @"今天天气真不错!",
@"user" : @{
@"name" : @"Rose",
@"icon" : @"nami.png"
@"text" : @"明天去旅游了",
@"user" : @{
@"name" : @"Jack",
@"icon" : @"lufy.png"
@"ads" : @[
@"image" : @"ad01.png",
@"url" : @"http://www.ad01.com"
@"image" : @"ad02.png",
@"url" : @"http://www.ad02.com"
@"totalNumber" : @"2014"
// 将字典转为StatusResult模型
StatusResult *result = [StatusResult objectWithKeyValues:dict];
NSLog(@"totalNumber=%@", result.totalNumber);
// totalNumber=2014
// 打印statuses数组中的模型属性
for (Status *status in result.statuses) {
NSString *text = status.text;
NSString *name = status.user.name;
NSString *icon = status.user.icon;
NSLog(@"text=%@, name=%@, icon=%@", text, name, icon);
// text=今天天气真不错!, name=Rose, icon=nami.png
// text=明天去旅游了, name=Jack, icon=lufy.png
// 打印ads数组中的模型属性
for (Ad *ad in result.ads) {
NSLog(@"image=%@, url=%@", ad.image, ad.url);
// image=ad01.png, url=http://www.ad01.com
// image=ad02.png, url=http://www.ad02.com
- 在模型内部实现
+ (NSDictionary *)objectClassInArray
方法 [StatusResult objectWithKeyValues:dict]
- 提醒一句:如果NSArray\NSMutableArray属性中存放的不希望是模型,而是NSNumber、NSString等基本数据,那么就不需要实现
+ (NSDictionary *)objectClassInArray
@interface Bag : NSObject
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *name;
@property (assign, nonatomic) double price;
@interface Student : NSObject
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *ID;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *desc;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *nowName;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *oldName;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *nameChangedTime;
@property (strong, nonatomic) Bag *bag;
@implementation Student
// 实现这个方法的目的:告诉MJExtension框架模型中的属性名对应着字典的哪个key
+ (NSDictionary *)replacedKeyFromPropertyName
return @{
@"ID" : @"id",
@"desc" : @"desciption",
@"oldName" : @"name.oldName",
@"nowName" : @"name.newName",
@"nameChangedTime" : @"name.info.nameChangedTime",
@"bag" : @"other.bag"
NSDictionary *dict = @{
@"id" : @"20",
@"desciption" : @"孩子",
@"name" : @{
@"newName" : @"lufy",
@"oldName" : @"kitty",
@"info" : @{
@"nameChangedTime" : @"2013-08"
@"other" : @{
@"bag" : @{
@"name" : @"小书包",
@"price" : @100.7
// 将字典转为Student模型
Student *stu = [Student objectWithKeyValues:dict];
// 打印Student模型的属性
NSLog(@"ID=%@, desc=%@, oldName=%@, nowName=%@, nameChangedTime=%@",
stu.ID, stu.desc, stu.oldName, stu.nowName, stu.nameChangedTime);
// ID=20, desc=孩子, oldName=kitty, nowName=lufy, nameChangedTime=2013-08
NSLog(@"bagName=%@, bagPrice=%f", stu.bag.name, stu.bag.price);
// bagName=小书包, bagPrice=100.700000
- 在模型内部实现
+ (NSDictionary *)replacedKeyFromPropertyName
方法 [Student objectWithKeyValues:dict]
NSArray *dictArray = @[
@"name" : @"Jack",
@"icon" : @"lufy.png",
@"name" : @"Rose",
@"icon" : @"nami.png",
// 将字典数组转为User模型数组
NSArray *userArray = [User objectArrayWithKeyValuesArray:dictArray];
// 打印userArray数组中的User模型属性
for (User *user in userArray) {
NSLog(@"name=%@, icon=%@", user.name, user.icon);
// name=Jack, icon=lufy.png
// name=Rose, icon=nami.png
[User objectArrayWithKeyValuesArray:dictArray]
// 新建模型
User *user = [[User alloc] init];
user.name = @"Jack";
user.icon = @"lufy.png";
Status *status = [[Status alloc] init];
status.user = user;
status.text = @"今天的心情不错!";
// 将模型转为字典
NSDictionary *statusDict = status.keyValues;
NSLog(@"%@", statusDict);
text = "今天的心情不错!";
user = {
icon = "lufy.png";
name = Jack;
// 多级映射的模型
Student *stu = [[Student alloc] init];
stu.ID = @"123";
stu.oldName = @"rose";
stu.nowName = @"jack";
stu.desc = @"handsome";
stu.nameChangedTime = @"2018-09-08";
Bag *bag = [[Bag alloc] init];
bag.name = @"小书包";
bag.price = 205;
stu.bag = bag;
NSDictionary *stuDict = stu.keyValues;
NSLog(@"%@", stuDict);
desciption = handsome;
id = 123;
name = {
info = {
nameChangedTime = "2018-09-08";
newName = jack;
oldName = rose;
other = {
bag = {
name = "小书包";
price = 205;
// 新建模型数组
User *user1 = [[User alloc] init];
user1.name = @"Jack";
user1.icon = @"lufy.png";
User *user2 = [[User alloc] init];
user2.name = @"Rose";
user2.icon = @"nami.png";
NSArray *userArray = @[user1, user2];
// 将模型数组转为字典数组
NSArray *dictArray = [User keyValuesArrayWithObjectArray:userArray];
NSLog(@"%@", dictArray);
icon = "lufy.png";
name = Jack;
icon = "nami.png";
name = Rose;
[User keyValuesArrayWithObjectArray:userArray]
- 参考
- 参考
- 如果在使用过程中遇到BUG,希望你能Issues我,谢谢(或者尝试下载最新的框架代码看看BUG修复没有)
- 如果在使用过程中发现功能不够用,希望你能Issues我,我非常想为这个框架增加更多好用的功能,谢谢
- 如果你想为MJExtension输出代码,请拼命Pull Requests我
- 一起携手打造天朝乃至世界最好用的字典模型框架,做天朝程序员的骄傲