A quick way to create restorable backups for an IOMAD moodle installation
There are probably 1000 better ways to do this, and my code skills are by
no means good, but it works for me and creates almost automated
Backups and restoral for my particular virtual host Apache installation
with several IOMAD installations running multiple versions and branches
Glady accepting of all code contributions.. It's been 10+ years since I
Wrote anything publicly available.
Next thing to do: Add cli options for scheduled cron jobs
Quick Backup, update and disaster recovery restroral of IOMAD moodle installations.
First things first.. I'm a firefighter, not a developer.. edit the settings.cfg.default file.. I tried my best to be clear on what each does.
rename to settings.cfg make the scripts executable (chmod +x) and simply run it eg.. ./backup-upgrade
If you are going to try this, test this on a non-production system! I take no responsbility for my terrible code skills so use it at your own risk.