ReactJS application with user login and dashboard realtime updates with websockets.
Demo here Login: admin/admin
I can't reveal API data. Instead I simulated set of metrics and websocket updates.
I used ReactJS + Redux and a few smaller modules for cookie and date managment.
For the UI, react-mdl is used. A ReactJS port of Google Material Design Lite
I googled for examples of React applications with login, auth and other common problems. So app has those begginer problems solved.
Also it's a nice way to use ReactJS with material design.
Application is bundled already with webpack so it can be run immediately with some local server.
If you want to edit project, next should be done
you need to have nodejs and npm installed
navigate to project folder via console and run:
npm install
and after a few min project dependencies should be installed -
you can now build application with prepared npm script that uses webpack development build (unminified)
npm run dev
or production build (minified)npm run build
any of above will pack project source into build/bundle.jsnpm run watch
can be used for auto build when you save and of .jsx files