Story Kit includes a GraphQL API service that lets partners search Snapchat Stories by location, time, caption, media type, official username, and more.
Browse this repo for guidance on using the Story Kit API.
- Create the private key:
$ openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out private-key.pem
- From your private key, create the public key:
$ openssl ec -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem
Your advocate at Snap will assign an iss
and akid
to you:
- A UUID string created to uniquely identify the partner's organization
- Example:
is theiss
we created forSnapAPITest
- The
iss-version number
version number
is to support key rotation in the future- Example:
is thekid
- The
The Story Kit API only accepts HTTP POST requests that carry the query in the request body and the partner-signed JWT token in the X-Snap-Kit-S2S-Auth
HTTP header. Learn how to successfully send an HTTP POST request in the steps below.
1. Construct a GraphQL query.
The Story Kit API is GraphQL based. For details, see the GraphQL
defined in public_story_api.graphql.
To construct the query body, use whichever GraphQL client libraries you prefer.
The header is of the format:
Bearer <Unsigned Token>.<Signature>
The token is a JWT token. Below, see the field descriptions and learn how to generate the signature.
header = '{
"kid": <string: <3pa organization id>-v<key version>> // <key version> is 1, 2, etc., to support key rotation
payload = '{
"iss": <string: 3PA organization ID>,
"aud": "PublicStoryKitAPI",
"exp": <int32: expiry time in seconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC>,
"iat": <int32: issued time in seconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC>,
"hash": <string: sha256Hex of request body in all lower case hex chars>
Here's how to sign the token:
privateKey = <string: private key>
unsignedToken = base64.rawurlencode(header) + '.' + base64.rawurlencode(payload)
signature = base64.rawurlencode(ecdsaSigner.sign(privateKey, unsignedToken))
authorizationHeader = 'Bearer ' + unsignedToken + '.' + signature
request.header(‘X-Snap-Kit-S2S-Auth’, authorizationHeader)
And here is an example of the X-Snap-Kit-S2S-Auth
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": "dcb57664-94ba-469e-ab4c-e2468ad218b9-v1",
"typ": "JWT"
"aud": "PublicStoryKitAPI",
"exp": 1529640526,
"hash": "85f07ad28767eaab637a5f78ed3ebc23f58595d08db14df7d8f2df312106cab9",
"iat": 1527630526,
"iss": "dcb57664-94ba-469e-ab4c-e2468ad218b9"
JWT offers many token signing libraries in various languages. To simplify token signing, choose one that fits easily with your tech stack.
The final step is sending your HTTP POST request. Make sure it follows these conventions:
- Carries the query in the request body
- Includes the partner signed JWT token in the
HTTP header
Try it out with the beta test endpoint:
Need an example? Check out the Node.js example in client_example folder