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raven-clj raven cljdoc badge

A Clojure interface to Sentry.

Usage | Ring Middleware | Alternatives | Changes | Contributing


[raven-clj "1.7.0"] ;; latest release

raven-clj.core/capture is a general use function that can be placed throughout your Clojure code to log information to your Sentry server.

(require '[raven-clj.core :refer [capture]])

(def dsn "https://b70a31b3510c4cf793964a185cfe1fd0:[email protected]/1")

(capture dsn {:message "Test Exception Message"
              :tags {:version "1.0"}
              :logger "main-logger"
              :extra {:my-key 1
                      :some-other-value "foo bar"}})

Various interfaces are supported.


(require '[raven-clj.interfaces :as interfaces])

(capture dsn
        (-> {:message "Test HTTP Exception"
             :tags {:testing "1.0"}}
            (interfaces/http ring-style-request-map)))


;; All namespaces in the following map will be regarded
;; as application code and highlighted in Sentry's stacktraces
;; > Note that this also matches "myapp.ns.core" etc.
(def your-namespace ["myapp.ns"])

(capture dsn
        (-> {:message "Test Stacktrace Exception"}
            (interfaces/stacktrace (Exception.) your-ns)))

Note about event-info map

In the capture function I use merge to merge together the final packet to send to Sentry. The only fields that can't be overwritten when sending information to capture is event-id and timestamp. Everything else can be overwritten by passing along a new value for the key:

(capture dsn
        (-> {:message "Test Stacktrace Exception"
             :logger "application-logger"}
            (interfaces/stacktrace (Exception.))))

Please refer to Building the JSON Packet for more information on what attributes are allowed within the packet sent to Sentry.

Uncaught exception handler

Since 1.6.0-alpha a function that will install an uncaught exception handler is included, see raven-clj.core/install-uncaught-exception-handler! for details.

Ring middleware

raven-clj also includes a Ring middleware that sends the Http and Stacktrace interfaces for Sentry packets. Usage (for Compojure):

(use 'raven-clj.ring)

(def dsn "https://b70a31b3510c4cf793964a185cfe1fd0:[email protected]/1")

;; If you want to fully utilize the Http interface you should make sure
;; you use the wrap-params and wrap-keyword-params middlewares to ensure
;; the request data is stored correctly.
(-> routes
    (wrap-sentry dsn)

;; You could also include some of the optional attributes, pass
;; your app's namespace prefixes so your app's stack frames are
;; highlighted in sentry or specify a function to alter the data
;; that is stored from the HTTP request.
(-> routes
    (wrap-sentry dsn {:extra {:tags {:version "1.0"}}
                      :namespaces ["myapp" "com.mylib"]
                      :http-alter-fn (fn [r] (dissoc r :data))})


There are a variety of Clojure libraries for Sentry, a quick, not necessarily up-to-date overview/comparison:

  • io.sentry/sentry-clj, the official one. Wraps Sentry's own Java client. Light on dependencies.
  • exoscale/raven, a newer one. Depends on Netty. Well documented.
  • raven-clj, the one you're looking at. Similar dependencies as Sentry's own client. Perhaps slightly more ergonomic.


  • 1.7.0
    • Fix parsing of project id number from which caused an integer overflow. It now parses to long instead of integer. (Emil Bengtsson, #33)
    • Bump to clj-http-lite to org.clj-commons/clj-http-lite 1.0.13. Note it has switched to clj-commons
    • Bump to Cheshire 5.11.0
    • Bump to prone 2021-04-23
  • 1.6.0
    • Bump to Cheshire 5.9.0 (Kevin W. van Rooijen, #29)
  • 1.6.0-alpha4
    • Supply sentry_timestamp header in correct format (Joey Bloom, #28)
  • 1.6.0-alpha3
    • Support query params in DSNs (Jean-Samuel Bédard, #27)
  • 1.6.0-alpha2
    • Switch from clj-http-lite to org.martinklepsch/clj-http-lite for Java 9+ compatibility
  • 1.6.0-alpha
    • Switch from clj-http to clj-http-lite
    • New! raven-clj.core/install-uncaught-exception-handler! can be used to install an exception handler for uncaught exceptions.
  • 1.5.2
    • Support new secret-less DSNs
  • 1.5.1
    • Prevent indexOutOfBounds exception when determining context line (#25)
  • 1.5.0
    • fix how request method is extracted from ring requests (#22)
    • send stringified ex-data (#21)
  • 1.4.3
    • fix docstring argvec order in capture function (#16)
    • fix NPE when a frame's file path is nil (#14)
  • 1.4.2
    • add missing requires
  • 1.4.1 (defunct)
    • actually depend on prone prone
  • 1.4.0 (defunct)
    • use prone to retrieve better stackframes (#10)
    • fix warnings in Sentry UI caused by unknown keys in request body (#13)
  • 1.3.2
    • update clj-http to 3.0.1


  • Build and install the jar with lein jar
  • Start a repl with lein repl
  • Run tests with lein test
  • Deploy a release with lein deploy clojars

PRs and issues welcome 🎉

Note: Because this library uses it's own version in various places the version is stored on the classpath. In order to modify the version you need to modify resources/raven_clj/version.txt.


Copyright © 2013-2015 Seth Buntin

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.