This repo is the open source code for the website
If you see something that could be improved or simply want to add a new wallet to the wallet support page, you can test the change locally before PRing using the following guide:
- Install Hugo (extended version) for your operating system
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Initialize the theme submodule
git submodule update --init
- Make your changes as you see fit
- Test your changes using Hugo (the output of this command will tell you where to connect to the dev site, usually http://localhost:1313/)
hugo server --buildDrafts --disableFastRender
- PR your changes!
If it's a simple text change you may not need to do any of this, and can just edit the file in Github, PR, and I can test locally as I have time.
All of the credit for Silent Payments as a concept goes to Ruben Somsen and Josi Bake, two fantastic devs working on Bitcoin.
If you'd like to support their work you can donate to their Silent Payment addresses below:
Ruben Somsen:
Josi Bake: