Some of my projects @CEID
Project | Description | Language, libraries etc |
Compilers | Implementation of a simple language compiler | C, Python, Flex, Bison |
Computer Vision/3D Graphics | Projects on computer vision and 3D Graphics | Matlab, C++, OpenGL |
CUDA BLAS optimization | Optimization of MV cuBlas kernel | C, CUDA, cuBLAS, Matlab |
B-tree implementation | A hard disk stored b-tree based database | Python, Sphinx |
Heuristics 1 | Demonstration of search space traversal | Python, Bash |
Heuristics 2 | Heuristics 1 extension with hill-climbing and A* | Python, Bash |
Microcontrollers | AT91 programming | C |
Networks Lab | A TCP/IP server/client implementation | C, TCP/IP |
Ocean Life | A C++ 101 assignment THAT ABSOLUTELY ROCKS! | C++ |
Operating Systems I | Client/Server application to test various UNIX concepts | C, semaphores, processes |
Operating Systems II | Variation of the first project using threads | C, POSIX threads |
Operating Systems Lab | Minix kernel modifications | Bash, Minix |
Parallel algorithms | Parallel N-bit carry lookahead adder | Python |
Parallel processing | Optimization of a modified non-parallel streamcluster kernel | C, OpenMP, SIMD |