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This is a dense, deep neural network consisting of 2 hidden layers capable of binary classification.

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Binary Classifier (Dense Neural Network -- 2 Hidden Layers)

This is a dense, deep neural network consisting of 2 hidden layers capable of binary classification.

Authors: Mukul Malik


  1. How to Use the Model and Tune Hyperparameters
  2. Description and Model Architecture
  3. Activation Functions

For testing, 2 different datasets are also available.

  1. Dataset1 Description
  2. DATASET2 Description

HOW TO TRAIN AND TUNE HYPERPARAMETERS: file contains the model code and has code to invoke training.

To train on the dataset we have supplied (dataset.csv -- it's description is given at the end), simply run:


as we have set the default parameters to work for this dataset. All tuned hyperparameters are already set for dataset.csv. These were determined after extensive trial and error.

The model has 3 hyperparameters: learning rate, leak rate (leaky reLU coefficient) and threshold for binary classification. These can be changed as per your wish in ways described below. takes 11 optional arguments: (for changing default settings, using other datasets etc.)

  1. --input : An integer to pass the number of input features in the dataset

  2. --train : To pass the number of rows of your dataset to use for training

  3. --test : To pass the number of rows of your dataset to use for testing

  4. --dataset : To pass the name of your dataset

  5. --lr : learning rate

  6. --leakrate : leak rate coefficient for Leaky ReLU activation

  7. --iterations : number of iterations to train for

  8. --threshold : threshold for binary classification

  9. --print : takes a value of 1 or 2. 1 specifies that you wish to print cost and accuracy after each iteration. Iterations above 1000 will cause your screen to be covered with too much text. In such a case you can use print value '2' which will scale printing to after a certain offset of iterations to not print more than 20 values (spread evenly between 0 and max iterations.)

  10. --l1 : number of neurons in first hidden layer [default set to 6]

  11. --l2 : number of neurons in second hidden layer [default set to 3]

NOTE: We recommend not changing default leakrate and threshold (set at 0.01 and 0.5 respectively). They're perfectly tuned for most variety of data. If you don't supply a print value, it will automatically determine the best printing mode to avoid cluttering of screen with useless text.

For example, suppose your dataset name is 'dataset2.csv' and it has 14 input features and you want to use first 252 rows for train and rest 51 rows for test. With 10000 iterations and learning rate of 0.05 and you want 36 neurons in first layer and 16 neurons in second, then you invoke:

python --dataset 'Datasets/dataset2.csv' --input 14 --train 252 --test 51 --iterations 10000 --lr 0.05 --l1 36 --l2 16

Description and Model Architecture

2 Hidden layers. Some good rules for choosing number of neurons [l1 and l2 parameter]

  1. For most problems, one could probably get decent performance (even without a second optimization step) by setting the hidden layer configuration using just two rules: (i) the number of hidden layers equals one; and (ii) the number of neurons in that layer is the mean of the neurons in the input and output layers. [Source:]

  2. We can usually prevent over-fitting if we keep number of neurons below: Nh = Ns / (α *(Ni + No))

    Ni : number of input neurons.
    No : number of output neurons
    Ns : number of samples in training data set.
    α  : an arbitrary scaling factor usually 2-10. [usually kept at 5]


Activation Functions (Leaky ReLU + Sigmoid)

We decided to use Leaky ReLU Activation Function for hidden layers.

Since this is a binary classification model, sigmoid activation was used at output neuron (layer).

DATASET 1 Description (dataset.csv)

The first dataset has 13 input features:

Age : Age of the patient

Sex : Sex of the patient

exang: exercise induced angina (1 = yes; 0 = no)

ca: number of major vessels (0-3)

cp : Chest Pain type chest pain type Value 1: typical angina Value 2: atypical angina Value 3: non-anginal pain Value 4: asymptomatic

trtbps : resting blood pressure (in mm Hg)

chol : cholestoral in mg/dl fetched via BMI sensor

fbs : (fasting blood sugar > 120 mg/dl) (1 = true; 0 = false)

rest_ecg : resting electrocardiographic results Value 0: normal Value 1: having ST-T wave abnormality (T wave inversions and/or ST elevation or depression of > 0.05 mV) Value 2: showing probable or definite left ventricular hypertrophy by Estes' criteria

thalach : maximum heart rate achieved

target : 0= less chance of heart attack 1= more chance of heart attack [TRUE LABEL]

[Acquired from]

DATASET2 Description (dataset2.csv)

This dataset has 14 input features:

Workclass : Workclass of the person

Education : Education of the patient Value Matrix:

		Doctorate	1
		12th		2
		Bachelors	3
		Some-college	4
		7th-8th		5
		9th		6
		HS-grad		7
		10th		8
		11th		9
		Masters		10
		Preschool	11
		Prof-school	12
		5th-6th		13
		1st-4th		14
		Assoc-acdm	15

fnlwgt: net worth

educational-num: educatinal qualification the person

marital-status : Chest Pain type chest pain type

		Value Matrix:

		Marital-status		NUMBER
		Divorced		1
		Never-married		2
		Married-civ-spouse	3
		Widowed			4
		Married-spouse-absent	5

occupation : occupation of the person

		Value Matrix:

		Occupation		NUMBER
		Exec-managerial		1
		Other-service		2
		Transport-moving	3
		Adm-clerical		4
		Machine-op-inspct	5
		Sales			6
		Handlers-cleaners	7
		Farming-fishing		8
		Protective-serv		9
		Prof-specialty		10
		Craft-repair		11
		Tech-support		12
		Protective-serv		13
		Priv-house-serv		14

relationship : relationship of the person

		Value Matrix:

		Relationship	number
		Not-in-family	1
		Own-child	2
		Husband		3
		Wife		4
		Unmarried	5
		Other-relative	6

race : race of the person

		Value Matrix:

		Race			NUMBER
		White			1
		Black			2
		Asian-Pac-Islander	3
		Amer-Indian-Eskimo	4

gender : gender of the person

		Value Matrix:

		Gender	NUMBER
		Male	1
		Female	2

capital_gain : capital_gain of the person

capital_loss : capital_loss of the person

working_hours: working hours of the person per week

native_country: country of the person

		Value Matrix:

		United-States			1
		Japan				2
		South				3
		Portugal			4
		Italy				5
		Ecuador				6
		Mexico				7
		England				8
		Philippines			9
		China				10
		Canada				11
		Dominican-Republic		12
		Jamaica				13
		Germany				14
		Vietnam				15
		Puerto-Rico			16
		Thailand			17
		Cuba				18
		India				19
		Cambodia			20
		Yugoslavia			21
		Iran				22
		El-Salvador			23
		Poland				24
		Greece				25
		Ireland				26
		Guatemala			27
		Scotland			28
		Hong				29
		Peru				30
		Haiti				31
		Hungary				32
		France				33
		Nicaragua			34
		Laos				35
		Taiwan				36
		Outlying-US(Guam-USVI-etc)	37

TARGET: 0 if income will be less than 50k and 1 if more.


This is a dense, deep neural network consisting of 2 hidden layers capable of binary classification.






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