This is a hexo tag plugin which allows you to embed an image stored on your Google Drive account.
To install, run the following command in the root directory of hexo:
npm install hexo-tag-gdriveimage --save
And add this plugin in your _config.yml
- hexo-tag-gdriveimage
{% gdimg imageId [class1,class2] [JSONImageAttibutes] %}
How to get the imageId
{% gdimg 0B5NCrwMAnvEzaW14ZVJlODlkbUE center,custom_class1,custom_class2 {"width":450,"height":450,"alt":"Image Alt"} %}
Will output:
<img width="450" height="450" alt="Image Alt" src="" class="center custom_class1 custom_class2">
Classes must be comma-separated and without spaces. Same as JSONImageAttibutes.
- Fancybox does not work with Google Drive images :/